Scrap CH TWO part 16

By jcizod103
- 455 reads
Beanpole Brett can’t understand it: Bettina, the 16 year old canteen assistant resists every attempt to get in her knickers. He has tried all his usual methods and none have been successful. ‘Maybe she’s a lesbian,’ suggests his boss Harry Tobin, ‘or would you just see that as an extra challenge?’
Beanpole considers this for a moment before replying. ‘Come to think of it, you may have hit the nail on the head there. I’ve not had any luck with that Rosa either and I have tried, believe me. Mind you there aren’t many women lorry drivers about. She never wears make up or sexy clothes.’ Harry laughs, ‘neither do you, so what’s your point? You can’t expect her to wear skimpy minis when she’s driving a 32 ton lorry. Anyway she’s married so watch your step, that Danny is a tough bloke.’
Carol waddles across the yard bearing two mugs of coffee, which she hands over before pulling two Wagon Wheel chocolate biscuits from her pocket. ‘Cor, thanks,’ says Brett, ‘how long have you got to go now?’ Carol pats her bulging belly and grimaces; ‘another six weeks yet, I never knew anyone could stretch as far as this. I’m afraid I might bust at the seams if I get any bigger.’ She lumbers back indoors, wishing she could eat chocolate biscuits but she dare not, having put on three stones in weight. She hauls herself onto the settee, placing her swollen feet up on cushions and opens today’s Telegraph. Maybe she will tackle the crossword before lunch. Or maybe she will fall asleep again as she normally does at this time of day.
Captain is in a bad mood, feeling neglected and bored with rocking on his perch throwing husks about the kitchen. ‘Hey fatty, where’s my dinner?’ He screeches. Carol is also in a bad mood and shouts back at him to shut up but he keeps nagging until she opens the door. She may as well get the lunch prepared now she is here. ‘Give us a kiss darling,’ coos the parrot, trying to make amends, ‘come on lover, kissy kiss.’ Carol gives him a kiss and tops up the water container at his side. ‘You could do with a bath,’ she says. Captain loves to splash in the sink and dances about excitedly. ‘I’ll have to get this washing up out of the way first,’ says Carol.
She clears away the breakfast things then puts just enough warm water in the sink for Captain to enjoy without fear of drowning himself or the kitchen floor. The phone rings and she perches on a high stool by the breakfast bar to speak to her mother, watching Captain as he flutters and cackles in his bath. ‘How is my girl today then?’ asks Julie, without leaving time for a reply. ‘I was thinking about what you said when we were talking about getting clothes that fit. How about we go up to London and buy direct from the factories then we can sell on at house parties, like Tupperware. I can do the Tupperware spiel then you can show the clothes, kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.’ Captain’s acute hearing has picked up the last bit of the sentence and screeches loudly: ‘help, murder, the old bat wants to kill the bird, help, help.’
Carol laughs and tells him not to worry; she won’t let anyone hurt him. He hops onto the drainer and fluffs up his plumage, spraying water all over the room and cackling gleefully. ‘Carol, are you alright?’ Asks her mother. ‘Yes mum, I’ve just been sprayed with water by Captain. He’s been having a bath in the sink and thinks you want to kill him.’ Julie asks where he could have got that idea and Carol explains. ‘Well what do you think of my idea?’ Carol says she will have to consider it but it does sound interesting. ‘The mark-up on ladies’ underwear and baby clothes is huge and with your bairn on the way you can get some beautiful stuff all at cost price.’
Harry has finished replacing the seals on the lorry’s lift pump. Brett starts the engine and there is no hint of a leak. ‘You’ll be alright now,’ says his boss, ‘it’s a pity more operators don’t keep their vehicles in good order. They waste time and money on leakages and air locks but they don’t want to spend less than a quid on a seal kit. Regular maintenance, that’s what these engines need.’ Brett has heard it all before but he is grateful to be driving for a boss who keeps his lorries in good working order. Not like some of the bosses who expect their drivers to carry out maintenance on the side of the road for no extra pay and using their own tools.
‘So you don’t think I stand a chance with young Bettina then?’ asks Brett as he jumps from the driver’s seat and unrolls the hose pipe ready to wash the cab. Harry gives him a serious look; ‘your ‘find it, fuck it, forget it,’ attitude to women will get you in bother one of these days. You know her uncle is Stan Bradford do you?’ Beanpole’s vacant look says that he did not know this. ‘He was heavyweight champion of his regimental boxing team. He wouldn’t look too kindly on your messing with his niece, so be warned.’
Brett has no intentions of being warned off; he figures that any female over the age of consent is fair game. All they need is a bit of encouragement, perhaps a little flattery and if that fails a little gift. Flowers usually do the trick and he can lift a bunch of roses from any of his market drops. Yes, that will probably be his next move.
Later after loading up at the docks, Beanpole puts his plan into action. The canteen is full with drivers enjoying one of Ivy’s lunchtime specials, which today is stew and dumplings followed by jam sponge and custard. Bettina disappears into the back kitchen when she sees him come in but he has spotted her and calls out a greeting. Ivy winks at him as she takes the money for his meal and pours him a mug of tea. ‘How’s that lovely assistant of yours today?’ He asks loudly enough for Bettina to hear. He can see her in the mirror and is flattered to note that her face is rather red. ‘Don’t hide out there darling,’ he continues, ‘and give us a kiss with my dinner it will make it taste all the better.’
Ivy shovels the food onto a plate and places it on a tray. ‘Don’t mock the child; you know she’s a shy little thing.’ But Brett is determined to press his suit and blows a kiss in the direction of the mirror. Bettina catches the gesture and breaks into a sweat as she realises he has been able to see her reflection all along. She ducks into the toilet and refuses to come out until he has left.
‘Here, Brett left this for you,’ smiles Ivy, handing over a small paper bag. Bettina eyes it suspiciously then peers inside. She fetches out a plastic ‘Esso’ man key ring, inspects it quizzically then shrugs. ‘That’s an odd thing to give to anyone. Does he think I will be impressed by a cheap key ring from the petrol station?’ She leaves it on the counter, where it is soon filched by a customer who is waiting to pay for his food. If Bettina doesn’t want it then Scotty knows someone who does.
Janet is delighted with the little gift; now Heather can no longer taunt her about her own. ‘Don’t forget I need to pay for the school trip next week dad,’ she reminds him. Scotty had forgotten; he rather reluctantly hands over the cash she needs, leaving him with only a few pounds to last the week. He really misses his mate Frank.
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