Yorkshire ABCTales Nite

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Yorkshire ABCTales Nite

A while ago there was a discussion about an ABCTales night in York, I think. I vaguely remember September being mentioned. Have any plans been made that I missed?

Don't know Alex, but I'm up for it.


Hi Alex, The London one is on September 11th (it's a Tuesday, too). I've got to tell you it's so easy to set up a night like this and there seemed to be a whole army of people interested up your way when someone suggested it a few months back on a forum topic. All that's needed is a function room in a pub, which should cost peanuts. It's £40 a night for the Wheatsheaf in Soho (which Insert suggested and was a reading room for Orwell and Marx) so it can't be more than that. If it's not been followed up, you could always ask a few Talers if they'd be interested in helping and get it going yourself. I'd come up for sure. All the best, Richard


Cheers Richard, I'll investigate that. I might come to the London one too.
I can't afford London at the moment, but would definitely be interested in summat up North... Manchester for preference. So has the York one mentioned earlier fallen through, then?


It is on - Friday September 21st, 6.30 pm upstairs at The Black Swan, 23 Peasholme Green. I am in the process of putting together a newsletter that will go out later today or tomorrow where all will be revealed!
Nice one Tony, thank you. Looking forward to seeing you again.


Hooray for Tony Cook! I was just starting to feel miserable reading the first posts as I knew Tony had been trying to arrange something for 21st September so I thought it must have fallen through. But no, the boy's done good! Can't wait to meet my fellow Talers!
Won't be as good as the London one though - stands to reason ... (whoops)


Great to see the York night's up and running. Well done to all who put it together.


Fantastic! Will be up for that. Cheers Tony.

Parson Thru

Ah i'm so broke so i'm not able to come out but damn it this sounds amazing! argh!! lol


Do the organisers know if there's any parking on site please?


I'll be there as Sooz's "+1". Just thought I'd stop by and say hi :) (And yeah, if anyone knows whether there'll be [nearby] parking or not, that'd be great.)
I feel bad but I can't actually make it, which is terrible after i nagged about it but it's my partner's birthday and a chance for a rare night out for the two of us so I don't think it's going to work out. I had a feeling it would end up being that day but never mind. I'll try and make the 11th September in London instead!
Hey Peej, good to see you, love.


Oh Alex, that's a damned shame. Enjoy your lady's birthday. Looking forward to meeting you PT


Don't you see me enough, Sooz, love? But still, no one's answered our question about parking. I'll check train times and fares when I get a chance, just in case.
I take it tonight's event is still on? Sooz is on her way to mine and we'll be there on time :)
I really wanted to get to this so please post how it went.


Hello Blighters, Sorry you couldn't have been there. It was my first time to one of these events and to say it was a fantastic night doesn't come anywhere near it. I loved every minute and it was so lovely meeting the people behind the stories and the poems. A big thank you must go to Scratch for setting it up and to Tony who was very supportive to everyone and gave each one of us a terrific introduction as well as making everyone feel at ease. I was very nervous about doing my bit but I got out my scruffy, dog eared piece and people were kind enough to listen. I have just got in so I won't say any more but if no one else puts anything up I will endeavour to do so tomorrow. Moya
I had a wonderful time. Lovely to meet you all. Absolutely nerve-racking getting up there in front of a bunch of (to me) strangers, but everyone was very supportive! Thank you all!
Ditto the above, cracking people, everybody was so nice.


It was rivetting pj. Brilliantly read. Will buy the book.

Parson Thru

Did anyone make a vid? We always make a vid of the UKA dos and put it on YouTube. ABC used to as well. In fact I still have tapes of some of the ABC dos from years back, featuring some of the Golden Oldies like Liana, Fish, Missisippi and AJ :) http://www.ukauthors.com
Thank you, Parson! Andrea, there was no video. It wasn't until the end when I even thought, "Should have taken a few photos!" :(
Yep, shame. Maybe ABC should set up a YouTube account. Here's some of UKA's (look, there's Mac - he's brilliant :)) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2kN66NKkEU&playnext=1&list=PL7DEF58A7D03... After all, ABC has a WIKI page, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abctales I actually made 90% of that page - I reckon someone ought to go in and update it :) http://www.ukauthors.com
Thanks for the heads up, Moya. Wish I'd made it up!