An Erotic Demise
By The Talisman
- 1581 reads
An Erotic Demise
Under the soft green glow of the exit sign, Tina Small plied her trade
For one more bitter night. This particular punter had decided that, under
Cover of the strip-bar exit doorway seemed as good a place as any to
Consummate their sordid relationship.
The rain had now died down to a steady drizzle, the air thick with the
pungent, metallic odour that always follows a recent downpour. She
tried to take her mind off the act that she was about to perform, by
concentrating on the tap-tap-tapping of the raindrops that descended
from a broken drainpipe, into a rippling puddle at her feet. Each drop
signified one more second of her life on the streets of this sickeningly
decadent city having passed. As each moment passed her by, the air
around them grew colder. Now, a chill wind swept through the door-
way in which they stood, creeping under the thin layers of clothes that
she always wore.
“Do you mind if we finish this elsewhere?” She asked.
At first the request went unheard, due to the amount of grunting and
groaning that escaped the man.
Again she asked the question, this time managing to push the man off
her slightly with both hands.
“What?” He said, annoyed at being interrupted. “Where?”
She looked down at her feet, knowing what she was about to say next
was stupidly dangerous. “My flat’s only around the corner and my flat-
mate’s gone away for the weekend.” She suddenly realised that she had
just told a complete stranger that she was going to be alone in her flat for
some time, which made her feel deeply uneasy.
She carried on. “I can’t for the life of me remember where she’s gone.
But it’s probably a lot warmer than this place, I bet.” Her voice shaking
a little now, but thinking, ‘what the hell. If he has any odd ideas, I’ll just
kick him where it hurts. The fat bastard wouldn’t be able to catch me up
The man held up his hands, motioning for her to stop. “If I’d wanted a
casual chat I would have called a hot line. Now where’s this flat?”
They left the alley and walked the two blocks to her flat. Still the rain
Not another word was spoken by the girl, and the most that her obese
companion could muster was an asthmatic wheeze. It didn’t get much
better, as they approached the flats, only for him to be told that they’d
have to climb a flight of stairs to get inside.
Almost choking on his words. “You’d better be worth it.”
Now inside, the man leaned heavily against the door. “Bedroom?” was
his only word.
Taking this to mean, ‘where is the bedroom?’ she pointed to the next
room on the left. He lurched after her as she led the way, grabbing her
buttocks hard as they entered. She turned around quickly, evading more
grabs with those pudgy, sausage fingers, losing her layers of clothing in a
swift, practiced movement. He almost stumbled towards the bed, the girl
in front of him, back-pedalling until she reached the end of the bed, the
end of which caught the backs of her knees, sending her sprawling onto
the mattress.
The resulting mass of flesh barrowing down onto her, took her breath
away. Her deflated lungs would have screamed out for air, if only they
were given a chance of one more breath before he dropped on top of her.
Easily three times her own weight, he pressed down on her, pulling at his
own shirt, buttons flying like shrapnel. Fumbling at his zipper, gyrating
his body in an attempt to awaken his libido.
From under him, “I can’t breath.”
His head buried in her shoulder, “Shut up, you stupid bitch, I’m trying
to concentrate.”
He carried on attempting to push his pathetic, flaccid penis inside her,
sweat oozing from every pore, lubricating their bodies in his foul oil. His
breathing more laboured than before, almost panting. His body jerked as
he reached the final climactic judder, slumping heavily onto her.
Although it was over so quickly, it still wasn’t quick enough for her,
wanting him to leave, so as to get into the shower as rapidly as possible.
Wash away the grime and self loathing that always accompanied nights
such as this.
He wasn’t in a hurry to get off, “Hello,” she said, now getting annoyed.
“Can I get up, please?”
Still no movement.
Panic setting in now, she tried to edge her way out from beneath him.
Not much luck. Turning her head, she saw right into the lifeless eyes and
the gaunt expression on the bloated face, drawing nearer, as if trying to
converge with hers.
She pulled her face even further to the side, trying to escape, cricking
her neck as she did so. The pain in her neck didn’t even register though.
Panic had led to hysteria, as the severity of the situation dawned on her.
She was trapped.
Trapped under the engorged body of a lifeless man. Knowing no-one
would hear her cries for help.
Trying to lift him slightly, just enough so as to slip from under him,
seemed a fruitless task. He wouldn’t budge. The more she tried to push
against him, the deeper she seemed to sink into his flesh, unable to escape
this epidermal quicksand. The more she struggled, the worse it had gotten.
Moving up the bed was a no-go, her head was already practically against
the headboard. The only way she could move was down, hoping to slip out
from the side.
As his body was hunched, and helped by the excessive sweating that had
occurred during their brief moment of ‘passion’ earlier, she found herself
being able to inch her way down the bed. Too soon, she found herself out
of breath realising her mistake too late. Now that she had started to edge
downwards, the flesh she passed enveloped her, no way back.
Panic once again.
Writhing, kicking, punching, pushing her way further down, screaming
silently her last breath.
Trapped once again, she realised, the only way out…was up.
Biting, scratching, clawing her way to freedom. Now inside, her mouth
filling with blood, spitting it to the side, pulling at raw intestines. No breath.
Quicker. Mind working as fast as her hands. Deep inside. One last obstacle.
The back.
Bite, rip, tear.
Her bloodied face emerged from the man’s lower back in a fanning spray
of colours and liquids. A hacking cough followed by thick ropes of clotted
vomit ran across the naked buttocks of the man, his loosened slacks having
dropped during the struggle. More frantic pulling, seeing her head and left
arm exposed, pointlessly wiping away the tears that were freely flowing on
down her crimson face. Tears added with shudders now, as her right arm is
released, surveying the surrounding mutilation still literally surrounding her.
Then she sees them (not hearing them, as both ears are stopped with blood
Police. Bursting through the door. Seeing their lips moving, but hearing no
sound. Like a scene from a horrific silent movie.
The officer’s point of view was one of both disbelief and disgust. A young
lady, sat prone upright inside, what looked like, but couldn’t be, the body of
a morbidly obese human being, like some gory canoe ride. All human matter
lay around the site, the officers themselves adding to it, uncontrollably.
It’s unknown whether the ensuing screams that the girl could now hear, as
her hearing came back, were her flat-mate’s (at the sight before her), or her
own (due to the fact that, if she had waited just that little bit longer, as her
flat-mate had come back early, none of this would have been necessary).
All we do know, is that, she’s still screaming to this day.
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Hello .. l thought this
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You've got a good thing
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remember that Alanis
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Improbable but fun. And a
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