I have withdrawn this post because overnight someone had gone in to the post and replaced the contents with racist abuse

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I have withdrawn this post because overnight someone had gone in to the post and replaced the contents with racist abuse

See above

I mean what is there left for modern civilisation to achieve after this other than to pack its bags, wave at the setting sun and walk out into the ever warming waves?


Don't. I'm about fifty yards from the beach.


I have the greatest respect for the police, but am amazed at how many can drop everything and suddenly appear to help in a tense situation. Years ago, my wife and I read 125 officers surrounded one killer who had escaped from prison. They sent in a police dog to flush the man from the forest-cabin and the pooch gave up his life for the privilege. Three marksmen would be all that was necessary to shoot the fellow who was in a remote cabin at the time he was surrounded. He eventually surrendered. Ever watch, and God bless them, those black clad police Riot Squads, each with enough equipment to equip a platoon, and all 20 of them descend on one or two nasty perpetrators. First, they swing a projectile large enough to collapse King Arthur's castle, then after knocking in a door a mouse could kick in, they pour into a room. Not really funny, but you know what I mean.
Richard L. Provencher
"M" would have had him out in a nano second...


M would have climbed in and ripped his heart out - now that would have been news


Yes I saw this Lav. I have a niggle inside me that thinks these children may be a little more culpable than we give them credit for. As for the police all I would say to them is have they not learned the lessons of Blackpool in 1983? I think the dog might have survived. We're the bobbies that turned up to snatch the adult swimmer from his watery torment real officers or were they CSO's formerly known as specials? And what consequences were there for the 'children'? Five minutes (20.000.000 munites) of fame on ewe tube perhaps.


Dinny splash ma hair when am doin ma swimmin .. got a poem aboot that very subject in ma tales xx
I imagine they had to remove him via civil tresspass powers assisting the lifeguards who wanted him removed. Had the chap decided to get trunky towards the officers, what really would one cop do? Everything thesedays in the police is a risk assessment. And if it was so simple, then why were the police called in the first place? There's the clue for you. Besides, the media like to twist things, especially where the police are concerned.


Police flexing their muscle in front of a nice little crowd and perhaps a few fancied a skinny dip. Also, when nothing happens on a day, these arse-licking twerps take any inciident they can get to justify their uniquely ridiculous existence. I hope the twits get into hot water over this, but they won't. All of myexperiences with the police have been bad. They look after themselves and their own first, the well-off second and to hell with the other 95% of the population.


I was that swimmer. Bloody kids kept bombing me when I was doing laps in the swimmer's lane. I thought I was justified in holding that little bugger's head under water for a few seconds! And what were the lifeguards doing anyway? Let's put things in perspective eh? KJD


A good police officer never gets wet....


... but they're all drips anyway. Boom Boom! KJD


Archie if you search the daily telegraph (Thursday's edition I think) you will find the link. It's worth a laugh.


Yeah it puts Hillsborough in perspective doesn't it? Never mind incompetence that cost dozens of lives and a malicious twenty year cover up campaign to portray the victims as a bunch of drunks that killed each other in a mass brawl, some police looked silly at a swimming pool. Now that is news. Hurrah for Sun!


A speeding car wrote off itself and 4 parked cars outside our house at 3 in the morning. Debris all over the road (a bus route)for 50 yards. Took the cops almost an hour to arrive. We had to stand in the road to try to prevent traffic causing more damage - like driving over wheels which had come off. So I am not surprised at this story. It was friday night so I expect the cops were swanning round the clubs in Croydon. The driver who had been drinking was not charged. Linda


Yep Linda that sounds just about right. Their priorities and focus of intention are both completely skewed. They have a shite job and the ones who I have met deserve it.


Know what you mean Scratch, many of the police are posers and useless tossers, but I have 2 nephews in the police. They are equally angry and frustrated at the way the force is run. In fact they always say if you need something sorted forget the police sort it yourself. What an endictment. Linda


I was shocked to discover that someone had gone into this post overnight and replaced it with racist abuse. I felt it best to withdraw the post altogether and am saddened that someone has chosen to behave this way on the site I love.


Ignore the racist stuff Lavadis, there's nothing shocking about it, the world is full of ignorance it even creeps into good places like this. You did the best thing by deleting it. I've recently been in a position where I needed the help of the police with a crime. I dealt with two police forces, one where the crime was committed, and one where I live. I spoke to one officer of high rank who didn't give a damn. But the desk sergeants in both places desperately wanted to help me, put time and effort into my case and tried to bring a conviction only to be told that there was no case to answer and that their hands were tied. You see it all the time on programmes where they arrest somebody for a hard and fast crime and it doesn't even get as far as court, or if it does the perp gets away with it. I think it's the country that's messed up, not the police.


Truer words were never spoken Sooz. Linda


That's awful. Was there a username associated with this crap. Can FTSE not chase the scumbag up? There's no place for racism here, or anywhere else for that matter.


It's a bit of a concern that they were able to do that Lavadis, have you mentioned it to Tony? As far as i'm aware that's only possible with editor status, unless I guess they're hackers.


Ah yes, the three little 'bloggers' - I read that story, bloggers is a much nicer word ftse - did you replace all the bloggers in the whole piece?


Thank God. I am so relieved that this is not as Lav first thought. Thanks for the clarification FTSE!


I spotted a stray 'blogger' foots on his profile page where the list of stories are so i'll change it.


I am happy that this has been sorted out. I have a colourful and full use of language as anyone who reads Ex will have noted but I will neither say nor use that word, no matter what the context and seeing it throughout my post this morning as if I had used it myself made me quite upset. My relatives - my uncles and aunts now all gone, were chased across Europe, my father had to hide during the war because of race, I was the victim of racist abuse throughout my childhood and I felt disgusted by it. I note it was an error and there it is -matter closed - I have a hugely high regard for FTSE and accept this. I have not posted for weeks because of the terrible pressure of work at the moment which has made me physically ill so having this happen to my first post was not the best ever welcome back!


No it did not contain the word bloggers but it did contain the word "man" which is what is said to have been replaced in error with the N word


In my understanding it was all of the posts that this impacted on and yes they would have done and yes it shocked and appalled me that someone might casually read my post and think I did this. I did not read any of the other posts at the time so I cannot comment on them. I have to say that I am still really upset about this but fully accept it was an innocent error


Absolutely agree Archie. It is definitely about context. Although I would always act cautiously when in this very sensitive area.


I still don't know what's happened here.


So it seems that there have been changes to other content on the site as well


Irony, satire, uncomfortable aspects of historical and current bigoted attitude, exposed in foil; should we make them all go away, or expose a faux chocolate box frontispiece ideal through writing and art? Interesting.


' you don't believe the fairy-tale, but you believe they exist in real life.' Jacques, the attempt to use that particular fairytale as vehicle for this view fails. We acknowledge the actuality of wolves and their historical threat to farming and livestock. Wolves exist, as do Racists. Wolves, albeit in diminishing numbers arguably have a right to co-exist peacefully with man per se, whereas the same could not be said of Racists. I think you may be attempting to poke at a heightened sense of political and moral correctness in the media, but wonder if you could find another way of expressing it. The piece has served a purpose, we are discussing its ramifications :-) The original tale merely serves as a teaching tool to children. It advocates prudency when venturing forth in the world and in the extended version, highlights the potential for hidden agendas and threat in relationships.* 'note to self, keep butter churn to hand at all times*


Is Mac going to be censored for his use of 'niggers'? Am I? Actually I agree with him (for a change) - 'The Three Little Liberals' would be good :) I also agree with Jacques - much ado about nothing... http://www.ukauthors.com(link is external)
In my opinion, the only people who should be using that word without feeling a sense of shame are those of Afro Caribbean origin. If you had called your piece three little Jew boys would that have been ok with you because it certainly would not have been alright with me. Please don't try to use the word satire - they were claiming satire in the nightclubs in pre war Berlin. Racism is very much out there - I was racially abused throughout my childhood and it continues to this day - if you claim it does not then you are blind. I strongly suggest you take yourself to a pub in Tottenham today - I can name some if you wish and read out your poem / piece in public - I suspect you may find that the sense of satire alluded to is rather lost on people in respect of whom this word is used in place of or in addition to being spat in the face. Now can we please bring this whole shameful debate to an end.


As I say Jacques, either have the guts to read this out in the real world, live, to a racially mixed audience and face the reality of their reaction or stop trying to justify what this really is .


Really well put Archie


Absolutely meaningless in this context I am afraid.


I say chaps, I think things are getting a little out of hand here. In the spirit of peace and reconciliation (if you get my drift), you should shake hands, kiss and make up. KJD


Happily, lets all do it in the West Green Tavern in West Green Road, Tottenham (I used to work almost opposite) tomorrow night, just after Jacques has read his poem to all of the regulars. I know the landlord and will happily spring for a PA if one is not available. It should make for a very interesting evening and one which I imagine I will greatly enjoy.


Hmmn, background to some issues 09.10.12 Guardian 'South Africa's gay community, where issues of race, gender, class and sexual identity intersect' http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/oct/09/joburg-gay-pride-clash(link is external)


Well thank you for removing the two pieces from the site Jacques. I hope you understand why you did so at that this is now at an end


Hear hear Lavadis.


'...And for the love of Christ, don't listen to what Andrea says. She never understands things that need to be understood. She never comes down off her fence to stand up for what's right or say what needs to be said. Ever...' :) http://www.ukauthors.com(link is external)
Pax vobiscum! KJD


Perhaps more appropriately Shalom aleichem




Archie, you are mental !!
This did make me laugh


I'm half tempted to try some myself after this. :D