A moment of utter madness ..
By denni1
- 1106 reads
Eventually, after waiting for ages ..
'I lost my bank card yesterday. I've cancelled it, and was told to pop in to.nearest branch to withdraw bit cash till the new one arrives. Can you give me 200 quid, please. I have no ID as such, but l know all the transactions over the last month!'.
Usual ..
Blank, dead, uninviting, not interested in the least, eyes.
'Do you have any form of identification, like a fire-arm certificate or a blue badge disabled badge'.
'I don't really need one of them, to show people to their seats! I work at the Kings. Panto starts today. You know? The Pantomime?'
Nowt. Zilch. Negative.
'Listen, pal. It's MY money. I need 200 pounds, and l am getting bit late for my work. I can spout off all my direct debits and mortgage n so on. Can you call a manager'.
Wee chum gets up slowly from her seat. She then rants off about my being awkward to her. Well, that's all true ..
I'm now getting all agitated, angry and turning into a customer from hell.
Drumming my fingers, sighing and tapping my foot, this she devil appears. Now. If she had been accommodating, smiling even, l wouldn't have felt like getting that fire arm licence, and ...
It's now been 15 minutes. I'm due up at theatre in 3 minutes, but l need some dosh out. The bank is closed tomorrow.
'Hello. I'm afraid l cannot give you anything over 50 pounds, incase it's not your account. Or. If you have ID. Which you haven't'.
She had that hairy-face disease. Too much testosterone or some such thing.
By this time, dead eyes and herself were a pure team! Smug and smugger.
I turned into those folk on telly. You know. The ones who scream and swear at the desk!
'Gimme my fuckin' 200 quid. Now. And. I want both your names!'
God. Calm yersel', ya numpty.
'I can release 50 pounds. That's the law. If you want any more, get some ID'.
She was smirking. Sneering. I hope her beard grows long during the night.
'Give me my 50, then. Hurry up. I will be making a formal complaint about all of you'. My arm swept around the room. What an arse ..
I got my 50, was late for work, and later on, l will ring the branch to apologize.
D for Drama, right enough ..
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My bank wouldn't have given
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I've lost count of the
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"we all go a little mad at
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What a numpty. Behave
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