The Misunderstanding chapter 4
By Linnay
- 505 reads
The street around the Madison Hotel, keened with the rush of traffic. The shouts of hurrying cabbies as they tried to move into the most impossible of places to get their bonuses at the end of their journey, echoed all around Sophie as she stare up at the luxurious building. Obviously this was a place meant for pleasure and only the filthy rich.
Sophie sucked in a deep breath as she crossed the street towards the hotel. Her back rustled on her back as she shifted the straps that cut into her shoulders. How was she supposed to know that the equipment would be this heavy? A door man opened the gold lined door as she approached, he nodded and said “Good evening Miss and welcome to the Madison Hotel.”
The reception was huge, plump leather couches, in one corner of the room, the hall bustling with guests in expensive clothes followed eagerly by blue and red uniformed attendants.
They hire models as receptionists? Easy enough jobs she thought all they have to do is stand there and look pretty, type a name into a computer and hand over a key. She walked over to a free receptionist who smiled and asked her name.
“Hi, My name is Sophie and I am looking for Mr Paul Rosco.” The man to Sophie’s left turned his head at the name and looked over her quizzically.
“I am Paul Rosco, how may I help you Miss?”
Sophie turned, and looked, her mouth almost hanging open as she gazed at the beautiful man standing before her.
His dark hair sleeked back to set his flawless face on full view. Out of the corner of her eye Sophie spotted the receptionist who’d he’d just been speaking to shooting daggers in her direction as f saying –“Who do you think you are to draw this man’s attention away from me?”
Sophie, almost chuckling to herself, squared her shoulders and addressed the man before her her face serious.
“Good evening Mr Rosco, I'm here on behalf of my sister who was unable to come to work this evening. She said to meet you here to provide entertainment?”
His frown deepened,
“Duckling has a sister?” he asked shocked but looking over her, he began to see the family resemblance, same innocence in their eyes and enchanting mouths. Secretly, Paul was delighted that there was someone to take Duckling’s place tonight. He was so distracted in his own thoughts that he almost missed her next sentence.
“Duckling? You mean Clare?” she asked, her brow furrowing with confusion, a small davit forming between her brows, cute thought Paul, so cute, this girl really reminded him of Duck…Clare. A fitting name he thought. This time he never missed a beat, answering her question automatically.
“Oh just a nickname, please pardon my rudeness, you know my name but I have not had the pleasure of learning yours.” He said, with a hint of flattery, he saw her eyes widen as if taken aback by the display of courtesy.
“Oh thank you sir, my name is Sophie, Sophie Dawn, pleasure to meet you.” she offered her hand and he kissed her knuckles, winking at her as he did.
He turned his face with a growing grin and handed a sealed envelope to the receptionist he’s been talking to, before turning back to Sophie.
“I have just left your payment with Sandra. You can collect it once you are done with the job.”- he said leading her to the gold doors of the elevator-“ Now Sophie, do you have any experience in…” he let the question hang, after all he was still in a busy hotel reception hall and he didn’t want to cause a scene that would be detrimental for him and Jackson.
“Sir, I can assure you that you will have the best experience of your life. I have been preparing all evening for this. I even had to borrow most of my equipment form my neighbour because mine is so over used. Last week it just died halfway through.”
Paul stared, shocked at her bluntness.
“So I take it then that you have done this before” he asked still trying to be polite.
“Not really, this is my first in a long time with someone other than my sister and neighbour, but he insists that we do it regularly so I have not lost my touch.”
Again straight to the point, He was beginning to think that Sophie was on her own wavelength, and didn’t fully grasp the situation.
“Listen Sophie, you will be working for a friend of mine tonight, and he can be quite aggressive and unpredictable.” The bell to the lift dinged and the doors slid noiselessly open, to a welcoming, comfortable elevator. He motioned for her to enter first and he followed, pushing the button for the penthouse and the lift slowly began to ascend.
“Don’t worry, Mr Rosco…” she began
“Call me Paul please.”
“Ok Paul, as you probably already know my sister can also be unpredictable, so I’m used to having to make some sacrifices if it means to keep him satisfied. I’ll even let him beat me all night at every game if that’s what it takes.” She said her face dropping into a mask of sincerity, Paul coughed, taken aback yet again, already he felt drained, as if he was being infected by some force, emanating off her.
“But won’t that… you know…. hurt?” he said, and as he said it he sounded so childish and innocent that he surprised himself.
“Only my ego Paul, and in any case as long as he is satisfied, I have done a good job right?” just then the final bell dinged and the doors slid open, to reveal a short hall way with two doors set opposite each other. He shook his head, bemused by the conversation, and he couldn’t escape the nagging feeling that she had absolutely no idea what she was getting herself into. He reached into his pocket and withdrew a silver and green card and handing it to her he said.
“Good luck Sophie, I hope we meet again.”
She smiled at him, his jaw threatened to drop as he looked at her smiling face. If he had been religious he would have sworn that an angel had just appeared before him. Her smile was so radiant that he felt himself take and inventory gasp of surprise as he looked at her.
“I’m sure we will Paul. Have a good evening.” The doors of the elevator closed and Paul stepped back and leaned against the back of the elevator, still gobsmacked by the meeting.
Jackson paced the room, after his initial security sweep and everything had come back clean; he felt no inclination to stay. After all, this was not his choice; Paul had arranged this as a way for him to let off steam. He scoffed, knowing Paul – and he did, far too well in his opinion- there was some sort of catch to this generous treat.
While waiting he ran over the possible scenarios, when he suddenly jerked to a halt as a double beep; beep sounded from outside the door.
Mechanically he turned to the door and thought wryly, “Let the show begin”
The door opened, and in its frame stood a girl. Curly brown hair, blue jeans and a grey shirt with a leather jacket, all this he took in at an initial glance at her. Then once he’d had the chance to really look at her, he felt his eyes drawn to her. He studied her face, her hazel eyes shone with excitement, like it was etched into her features. He blinked, composing himself and stepped across the foyer in two strides. He extended his hand.
“Jackson Richard and you are?” he said curtly,
“Sophie Dawn sir, I am here for your entertainment this evening.” She answered, putting her hand in his; he shook once, pausing for a moment just to feel her skin on his, before he dropped her hand.
“So, Paul hired you did he?” his voice became steely, but unaware of his ferocity Sophie smiled and answered.
“No he hired my sister, but she had to cancel at the last moment. Now you have me.” He frowned
“Family Business?”
“No, this is my first time. It’s usually Clare that works these types of jobs.”
He nodded and gestured toward the bathroom.
“So do you want to go first or should I?” he stopped, stunned by her confused expression.
“Oh I had a shower before I left thank you. But you go ahead I need some time to set up anyway.”
Jackson nodded and turned to head towards the bathroom locking the door behind him. He walked over to the mirror and sink he bowed his head and tried to control his breathing.
“What the hell was that?” he asked. The image of her smile whirling around his mind, changing the subject had been all he could do to avoid going into shock in front of her.
“Get a grip of yourself!” he said, “She is here to entertain me, not the other way around. After all, she’s only here for the money anyway. And that smile is only a rouse to get into the pockets of her clients. First time ha! What a load of Bullshit.”
He looked up into the mirror at his afflicted eyes so entranced by the girl in his room. He shook his head to clear it, he would have none of it.
He turned his back on the mirror and stripped, stepping into the running water and letting it relax his taught muscles.
Sophie heard the shower begin to run and sighed, her eyes taking in the luxury of the room. The room opened to a welcoming foyer; that lead to the bathroom on the right and a small study on the left. Following the foyer was the suit, with a second entrance to the bathroom and a breath taking view of the city. The king size bed stood central to the room, showing off its majesty with golden silk sheets and thick fluffy white pillows. Two fabric couches dominated the side of the room and there in the corner stood a self-service bar overlooking the New York skyline, which shone with light as the city hurried below them. Mounted on the wall by the couches hung a TV, and that was what she needed. She dropped her bag onto the bed and began setting up the equipment she’d brought with her.
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I think this story sounds
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