Bollocks to the Publishers
HMV went bust this week after 92 years, with the loss of 239 stores and 4350 jobs. The reason; digital downloads.
There is really now no place for the high street retailer - records or books. Why would anyone bother to get dressed, drive downtown, find a parking space, walk to the book shop, search through all the books and choose one to read when the much simpler option is to fire up your Kindle (still in your jimmy-jams), buy the book and be reading it by the time you've finished your second cup of coffee?
These publishers and literary agents have had things their own way far too long, and the only thing that keeps them from realising they're a dying breed is nothing but their own bloody arrogance!
Their comeuppance is well overdue.
Look at the plethora of talent on ABCtales alone. We have here a group of people who have outstanding, far-fetched, comical, sometimes brutal, often ludicrous and downright fab imaginations. So many writers (unfortunately I’m not one of them) allow their imaginations to fly, build a plot, build a sub-plot and continue to write superb story lines in that fashion.
We’re not all good, some of us are crap, but a serious big RESPECT to all those writers who have a richer imagination than mine. I honestly wouldn’t know where to start, but there are a tremendous amount of people on this site whose minds must be bubbling over with adventures, fantasies, potboilers and cliff-hangers.
How dare these egotistical, autocratic agents and publishers,with their moth-eaten sense of their own self-importance, refuse a book nowadays? They’re an endangered species and they must surely be able to feel it in their bones.
If the dinosaurs like HMV had moved with the times they could have been as big as Amazon by now. But they didn’t and they’re not.
If HMV can go bust so can any of the big book stores, and bollocks to the publishers.
Parson Thru
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- Chinobus -
Parson Thru