Men in modern Britain
By valiswaverider
- 1200 reads
Yesterday on the high street I saw two blokes walking a chiwawa. An ugly dog, an excuse for a dog usually kept in the handbags of brain-dead W.A.Gs or Paris Hilton A-LIKE. Do they not feel ashamed to be seen with such an animal? Metro sexual posers, what a pair of losers how about growing a pair of balls and buying a real dog and I don't mean and nasty attack dog either. This old couples stood next to me at the traffic lights where stifling their laughter just like me.
Man's best friend should be a creature of dignity reflective of himself.
Still at least it's better behaviour than when I lived in that suburban village and saw some ageing hippy dragging his toddler along on a lead. I can understand the desire to keep your child is safe surrounded by high speed traffic and online paedophiles but for Christ's sake treat your child with some dignity. I see these things regularly now, kids treated like animals frankly it disgusts me.
Today in the gym on the telly on a running machines, watching Identikit pop video play exposing the same dull boring lyrics about players who cheat on their honeys. Mens shortcomings are readily pointed out in today's society but, not all of us happily cheat on our girlfriends in a world of carefree misogyny. We are not all bastards you know, with boy racer fantasies. We grow up ignored in our efforts to measure up to women's fantasies of Prince Charming Mr Darcy's pipedreams with boy band haircuts expounding take that cod philosophy. Real flesh and blood men don’t actually think like that most of us are deeper than some three minutes inane lyric.
I was an indie kid and can smell bullshit a mile off, but still contrary to popular belief straight English males do have feelings and common decency. When I see some fat boy with a boy band hair cut gathering in the trolleys at Tesco's with an extra eight stone of gut hanging over his trousers I often think to myself what a pathetic loser. I may have worn some bad fashions when I was a teenager but I was never that overweight or narcissistic I’ am 20 years older than him but at least eight stone lighter. How has it become fashionable to be loud mouthed, ignorant and arrogant, out of shape dickhead?
Where is the last refuge of masculinity within a culture which sees men as redundant unless they have unlimited spending power and the metrosexual leanings and dull intellect of a male character off sex and the city. If you're a man act like one, don't watch soap operas or read women's gossip magazines, you‘re made the better stuff than that. We've got this stuff called testosterone running through our veins makes us want to go out and climb mountains play competitive sports and laugh at bawdy humour and at the end of the day I think that makes us men.
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I can certainly sense the
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I don't have a label, and
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