Our Unique Craving for Death and the Unknown
One of the most widely written topics in todays literary endeavors focus on death; but not the kind of death you assume. From zombies, vampires, slashers, and the afterlife we have always held a unique curiosity about death and what happens next. What is the root of such an unexplainable yet invetible moment in all living things swiftly ticking clock?
Perhaps we are interested about The End in the fact that we as human beings think of it in four dimensional terms. An event that needs an explanation one way or another but we all seem to interperate it in different ways due to personal experience and expectations. If you are religous then it is the purest form of redemption or damnation. However if you are an atheist it may seem too trivial to give a shit about it. So what exactly happens after all is said and done? Do we continue to co-exist or cease to exist? Please write your thoughts, feelings, experiences or beliefs on this most auspicious subject in the comment section below.
This is for research and enlightment into my current novel and I am just "dying" to hear your replies. Sorry about the cheap pun too. One rule is no insults or intolerence to other writers views, we all have our own perceptions so show some respect friends.
Parson Thru
Parson Thru
- Chinobus -