Hanging man.
By music88
- 1301 reads
I saw him hanging upside down, rope bound tightly around his ankles and tied to the thickest part of a tree branch. He was naked, apart from a pair of old grey socks and a light blue bra, his cock was pulled down by gravity, aching at the sight of his belly button, wanting to penetrate the small hole. His face was mostly covered by a balaclava, but someone had lifted it slightly to reveal his lips, which were bright red with lipstick as if a child had enthusiastically coloured them in, going over the lines. Or alternately someone had kissed him roughly, either way it wasn’t a neat job and it made him look even more pathetic.
I sneaked over to the tree, crouching down below him, my heart was pounding in my ears and a creepy hysterical giggle escaped my dry lips. I stood and touched the man where I thought his eyeball would be, he didn’t flinch though so I pressed a little harder. Still nothing so i took 7 steps back then ran and jumped, flicking my right leg up and kicking him hard in the face; the body swung, inaccessible to all that surrounded him. A mumble, a deep growl and then spluttering; I danced around the body, whooping and screeching like a Red Indian. He called out, sounding quite tragic as he struggled to sit up, which was of course impossible. I told him to shush, that I could help if he just did as I said, he whimpered so I slid 8 fingers into his mouth and wiggled them about pretending to be a hairy spider, biting his tonsils with venomous fangs; I sniggered as he drooled onto my hand, moaning as I pushed the fingers in too deep so he gagged. I put my other hand around his cock and squeezed tightly, watching the space where his eyes hid; I saw a little twitch, his eyebrows knitting together. I saw his Adams apple tremble as I rubbed down hard, his foreskin shrinking and shining like the scars on my wrist. I took my fingers out of his mouth and licked his saliva off them; he swallowed hastily and whipped his tongue around his lips, the lipstick watered down now looked like blood. Pushing the body gently I pretended he was a swing, he was bigger than me so I clambered onto him, using his bound hands behind his back as a step up, I settled against him, my crotch just above his chest close to his dangling dick. I forced myself forward then back, gathering momentum so we both swung together, my face a picture of glee, pure ecstasy; I felt like a little boy again in the park. I started to sing The Smiths, so loud that my throat bristled against the cold air, “In my life, why do I smile at people who I’d much rather kick in the eye? I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour but heaven knows I’m miserable now.” We swayed faster and faster, I sung louder and louder, I clung on to the body harder and harder.
I yanked too hard and the foreskin split, blood escaping out down my arm, I was so shocked that I kept my hand wrapped around his cock, eyes widened as I stared at the red river flowing all over the body and me. The body started to shake all on its own as he writhed around in pain, screaming and choking; beads of sweat formed an outer layer over his skin. I was quite surprised and wasn’t sure what to do next so I put the bleeding cock into my mouth and sucked gently. When I cut my finger and it stings, the warmth of my mouth calmed the wound down so I thought this would do the same but there was too much blood and I couldn’t breathe. I felt my lunch boiling in my stomach, and without much notice I pulled away from the cock and threw up into the leaves. Pink acid pouring from the opening in my face, mushy bread, brown carrot and bile mixed with cock blood.
The bleeding had almost stopped, the body was now stained dark red, the blood had gone sticky and I had quite a lot of fun stabbing my fingers into it and pulling away slowly, creating stringy veins. The man was very quiet now and the odd whimper was the only sound within the forest. I was sat underneath him wondering what to do next, who had actually tied him up here, and would I get into trouble for playing with him. I stood and kissed his lips, ignoring the gluey substance that dripped down his face. One more quick push of the body and I skipped away, yelling as loud as I could to disturb the birds;
“Goodbye man.”
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Yup, young lady, this is
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