the things you need to know if you plan on loving my best friend
By a.lesser.thing
- 513 reads
If she's calling herself fat,
or telling you of how she does
not like her body, you have to tell
her to shut up and listen. Point out
the things you love about her, and list
them out to her, clear as day: your eyes
are stunning. Your hips are beautiful. Your
hair is perfect, no matter what style, no
matter what color. You always smell good. You
look great even when your hair is messy and your
makeup is smeared.
You can't stop
until she says
you always make
her feel better,
and she says she
loves you, and
she says "thank you."
When you're texting her
at nighttime, you'll want
to talk to her until she stops
replying. If it's past twenty minutes,
she's fallen asleep. Do not send anything
else, unless you're telling her good night,
or sweet dreams, or that you love her.
Text her good morning if you wake up
before her. If she's angry, give her space.
Don't tell her what to do.
If she wants your opinion,
she'll ask for it.
If she
says she
needs to
get out of
the house, go
with her, even
if you feel like
staying in. If she
doesn't want to be on
her own, say your bed
is space enough for two.
You should also
know her favorite
color is blue, and has
been, ever since I knew.
Her natural hair
color is dark brown,
and she's always out on
the town. She's trying to
achieve a high, and sometimes,
she gets a terrible fall down.
Remind her
that to you
she always
wears the
let her down.
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That's a lot of
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good advice for good loving
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