Journey to the Centre of Nowhere
By blighters rock
- 2711 reads
There are more livings things in one square mile of earth
than there are human beings on the entire planet.
They may not live as harmoniously as children’s books tell us
in the darkness of time’s sludge and slurry
but they happily get on with their lot
like coal-miners down the pit.
There are no 3i’s or underground websites
no hip cafes, unions or hedge fund scams;
just spiders and insects and forgotten onions
enjoying their short little lives together.
These living things remind me how the old talk of the past
doors left open likes nondescript fireplaces
a child’s wide-eyed glee as her father returns with a solitary lollipop
looking out for neighbours and gently sweeping the gloom to its place,
time to chat about nothing of any particular importance,
remembering the horrors of war like it was yesterday
retaining the warmth of spirit required to rise above the drones of sickness.
Looking outwardly to the pot-holes of an suburban sprawl
the redundant caravans cloaked in shame
the broken yellow lines of the acid super-highway,
I wonder how it would be if we were the ones
down there good and dirty.
Would we allow potatoes and carrots to grow
or would we scurry and snigger at their stupidity,
marvelling giddily at our God-given governance
as we hurry to blight the crops from under them
for whichever convenience justified this act?
Would we get the living things’ equivalent of the Nobel prize
for peaceably killing and sickening the enemy,
driving them further into the ground
as we hammer the hopes of the homeless
from the street to the grave?
Even when we drive monsters over them and rake up their habitat
the living things let us eat from their home.
We tear their gifts away from them and half are never even eaten.
We go to the trouble of spitting pesticides over their offerings
so why does it cost more when we don’t?
Are there any roots to a cloned potato?
Do we really care about what we shove down our throats?
When all we seek are remedies to our misery,
is it any wonder we believe the lies we’re told
as we journey to the centre of nowhere?
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A little correction I think
A little correction I think Blighters?
"or would we scurry and sniggering at their stupidity,"
Should either be:
"or would we scurry and snigger at their stupidity,"
"or would we scurry sniggering at their stupidity,"
I like the philosophical questioning in this one very much indeed. It paints the madness of choices and the unfathomable consequences of making them. Very good indeed mate. Hope you don't mind the heads up on that line. If it is as you intended it blame my tiny, tired brain.
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As you know, poetry's not my
As you know, poetry's not my bag, but I found this very thought provoking and found the subterranean theme very effective. "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return". Hope you don't mind me quoting the Bible at you, it's just that it made me think of this passage from Genesis. We're all just grubbing around in the mire... but there's still love and truth and beauty if you know where to look.
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really enjoyed this gentle,
really enjoyed this gentle, contemplative poem blighters. What on earth is a profanity filter???
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what is it though? I've never
what is it though? I've never heard of it!
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bollocks and fuck
bollocks and fuck
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obviously no profanity filter
obviously no profanity filter for me!
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This took me on a trip of
This took me on a trip of musings with you, blighter's. Love the way you trip up crazy social solutions neatly onto their unstable buttocks, throw in some underground themes and then conclude with a big gulp of futile bleakness.
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I don't remember being
I don't remember being offended. I definitely don't remember it being sexist or racist. It's a pity it couldn't just have been deleted without that OTT message.
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