By Bee
- 5771 reads
Working out with a punch bag
increases stamina and balance,
decreases anger, relieves stress
and strengthens the heart.
Punching a bag allows speed and power
whilst experiencing impact with the satisfaction
of making contact with the soft
and firmer densities of the physical.
Attempts to overcome resistance
increase muscle fibre,
which in turn, adds necessary mass.
Punching, or kicking the bag
provides this resistance, augmenting
power, which directly relates
to the specific muscles
used during successive strikes.
Using a punch bag provides cardio -
intense aerobic workouts
which strengthen the circulatory system.
When intensity is varied,
incorporating additional tricks
like, for instance, fancy footwork,
the exercise is twice as productive,
and of course, more satisfying.
It's best to move about the bag
using the entire body in order to develop
coordination, plus firming the core
whilst avoiding loss of balance as a result
of an unpredictable swing.
A lighter bag may move quicker
when you kick her, necessitating a swift
step to the side, but for a greater challenge
getting her going before the first punch
speeds up reaction time - (the time it takes
to get out of the bags way).
Punching and kicking your bag provides an outlet
for emotions and pent up frustrations
from testosterone fuelled anger, etc.
She understands all this
but often wishes the chosen target wasn't her.
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Do you know all that, or get
Do you know all that, or get it from the manual? Nasty twist at the end, I thought you must be building up to something. Rhiannon
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I do like this...though I
I do like this...though I guessed early on where it was going to lead me, it didn't detract from the poem. The technical language of the imagery is nicely at odds with the actual subject. This creates a tension that brings the poem alive.
I think you should trust the imagery you have created. For me it would work even better if you removed the female references and referred to it as a punchbag throughout - I think this would maintain the tension:
Punching and kicking your bag provides an outlet
for emotions and pent up frustrations
from testosterone fuelled anger.
The punchbag understands all this
but wishes it was not the target.
Having said that, perhaps this would make the poem slightly less accessible for some readers. Although, I think most readers would understand it.
It is a jolly fine poem as it stands though, regardless of my prattling.
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A cleverly written poem, Bee,
A cleverly written poem, Bee, with a sting in its tail.
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What a brilliant piece
What a brilliant piece Rhiannon. I loved the matter of fact tone at the beginning, leading up to the awful truth at the end, which one had suspected fron the title, until you deflected the thought with your clever writing. Well deserving of cherries.
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Hi Bee
Hi Bee
I missed this when I was away. I appreciated the sting in the tail, and can't say I ever thought much about the benefits of boxing. Philip boxed at school, and apparently was quite good at it, but luckily he never used me or anyone else as his punch bag.
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