Shadow Guardians -Part One- Meeting Mirra

By K. N. Thorn
- 1246 reads
Slick with blood when it returned, the dagger had glided between her ribs, piercing her right lung and through to her heart. Every pump from the powerful muscle caused blood to gush from the small wound as her lungs filled with the thick liquid, slowly suffocating her. The sky instantly changed, the clouds rolled in black, as thick and dark as ink. It would be a long night for the living world, but what else was there?
As Lillie's last breath struggled to escape her pale lips, she descended into the darkness, leaving everything she knew behind to face the storm to come alone. Lying on her back, she could not hear anything. She could not see anything either. She knew she was there, she knew she was still real.
But how can that be? I was stabbed and drowned in my own blood. Lillie placed her hand on the spot the dagger had slipped in. Third rib up, she counted as she fingered the place that should have had a gaping hole; but instead it was smooth, perfect skin. Whether she could see a wound or not did not matter. It still seared on the inside, where the blade had been only moments before.
"If you are done examining yourself there are a few things we should probably go over."
That made it all too clear to Lillie, she was not dead, yet... but then what was she? Dreaming? Hallucinating? Was she even dying? Lillie opened her eyes to find a dark room and neon green, glowing eyes. It took a minute, but Lillie's eyes finally adjusted, she still could not look away from those glowing green eyes that stared back at her.
Mirra was slinky and smooth, when she sat still she could pass for a statue, if statues had creepy glowing eyes that is. Mirra was not just any slinky, smooth, eerie cat though, she was a guardian, a guardian of the Shadow Realm. Did you ever wonder where the shadows go once the light chases them away? There is a place where all darkness merges and condenses. A place where all the things of the night go, to sleep away the time of light. This place is deep within the Earth; through large caves, long tunnels, and across vast, bottomless lakes where sunlight has never touched before. In this place things are born, things that will always live in the dark, but sometimes these things escape.
Mirra was becoming agitated, her silky black tail began to twitch angrily and she began to pace the short width of the little room. Lillie glanced about the room and sat up to better position herself in front of the impatient feline that was obviously more that just a cat. Lillie then noticed how odd the little room they were in was; the walls, the ceiling, the floor. They were so dark and cold, sucking up every bit of light and heat in the room; it looked alive, like it was conscious. Lillie gathered her last couple thoughts that were floating around in her mind before she dealt with the fact that it had to of been the cat whom had spoken before.
"Where are we?" Lillie asked the slinky, black cat.
The cat stopped pacing and sat on its haunches in front of Lillie, just staring, maybe glaring, Lillie could not decide which. For the longest time Mirra sat there twitching her tail, "It is not much fun to be gawked at, is it Lillie?"
"Oh thank God," Lillie heavily breathed out the breath she was holding, "I was starting to think I had imagined it all."
"Well wouldn't that be lovely! All this could just be a dream lovely Lillie, all you need to do is wake up!"
"Really, then I could wake up and be at home and none of this would have happened. I never got stabbed, I was never lying there dying, and I never woke up in this infinite room of darkness."
"If only lovely Lillie, because this is definitely not a dream." Mirra just stared at Lillie again, making her feel a little unnerved, as if everything else was not enough to do that on its own.
"I thought you said we had some things that we needed to talk about," Lillie prodded at the cat but it would only stare at her with those eerie, big, green, glowing eyes.
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This is a good read,
This is a good read, compelling with some lovely use of description.
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Couldn't agree more with
Couldn't agree more with Philip, KNT
Thoroughly enjoyed.
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