Breast is Best

By Silver Spun Sand
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Loved this and lived this.
Loved this and lived this. There is so much conflicting advice from the 'breastapo' on what to do. New mums need support and reassurance, not badgering and judgement. Wish this had been written when my wife was having our first!
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Aargh! the conflicting
Aargh! the conflicting advice is so frustrating, I'd have added in the 'don't let her/him sleep on their front/ won't sleep on their back' battle.
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I think the 'officials'
I think the 'officials' (nurses, health visitors …) feel so badgered themselves over what the latest advice is, and what to make sure they get said etc, that they can't just relax and help the mums to relax. Maybe that's where a friend or your own Mum can sometimes help. Rhiannon
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You forgot 'give him a bottle
You forgot 'give him a bottle of formula' when you have been breastfeeding every twenty minutes 24 hrs a day for five weeks. 'It won't kill him' No. But I will kill you, you ignorant link of shit. If another human tries to sabotage my commendable breastfeeding progress with Aptamil and dummies, I may cause a riot.
Sorry Tina, forgot myself. I love this. Very relevant to me at the minute and maternally spot on.
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