F***k off back to Eton
By alphadog1
- 494 reads
Hello Mr. C, you might not remember me;
I’m the semi- social silent non – minority.
I cannot get a job, because of my dis-a-bility;
and I cannot claim state benefit
-cause the A-TOS set me free ! Hall-el-uiah!
Fuck off back to Eton, cause we’re really sick of you.(la la la)
Fuck off back to Eton? better! fuck off to a state run school!
Fuck off back to Eton, an’ take all your greedy friends; (la la la)
perhaps if you'd just fuck right off, then we'd soon be on the mend.
Hello Mr. C, you might not remember me;
I’m the poor, sick bastard, that causes dich-o-tomy.
I spend my time on my fat arse, moaning all the time;
Bleeding this state dry, with my centre sanctioned fines.
Oh fuck off back to Eton, cause we're really sick of you! (la la la)
Fuck off back to Eton? better! Fuck off to state run school!
Fuck off back to Eton and take all your greedy friends; (la la la)
perhaps, if you'd just fuck right off then we we'd soon be on the mend!
Hello Mr. C, you might not remember me,
Im the piss poor voter, who lost his democracy.
I went to place my vote; way back in 2010;
But I was told to “fuck right orf”. by your stupid Eton Friends.
so…Fuck off back to Eton, cause we're really sick of you! (la la la)
Fuck off back to Eton? -better! fuck off to a state run school!
Fuck off back to Eton, and take all your greedy friends; (la la la)
perhaps if you'd just fuck right off, then we'd soon be on the mend.
we’re sick of all the lies,that you put this nation through; (la la la)
We’ve come to see you in-bred “chaps”, as nothing else, but rancid poo.
We’ve had it up to our eyes and ears with the shite of aus-ter-ity; (la la la)
So fuck right off back to school and learn from human-history!
Fuck off back to Eton, cause we're really sick of you! (la la la)
Fuck off back to Eton? better! Fuck off to a state run school!
Fuck off back to Eton, and take all your greedy friends; (la la la)
Perhaps if you'd just fuck right off then we will, soon, be, on, the, mend.
(repeat with the pauses in the last repeat end line)
Tell me hows your father?
tell me hows your mother?
Tell me hows your brother?
(C) ADH2015
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