For the Love of Her

By Silver Spun Sand
Mon, 11 May 2015
- 2911 reads
“...and if I should carol aloud from aloft
all things that are forked, and horned, and soft
would lean out from the hollowed sphere of the sea
all looking down for the love of me.”
‘The Mermaid’ (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
No permanent memorial, she’d insisted;
instead, she requested her ashes
be scattered from Southwold Pier...
Thus, our pilgrimage; friends and family,
one drizzly May morning, almost
two years since.
Her expressed wish – not a sombre affair,
so we did our best to keep cheerful,
even after having explained, sometimes
what we want, as individuals, doesn’t always
pan out, not in the grand scheme of things.
‘Just want it to be a celebration of my life, that’s all.
Sorry, if that jars with what you had in mind,’
her words unwinding, still, from my ears.
How much she’d loved this place, though;
row on row of beach huts, all painted
a different shade of folly.
We offered up no prayers; instead,
each read a favourite poem...
Except for me; too choked up to make
any meaningful sense; glad of the rain
to mask my tears. And then a tap
on the shoulder.
“This a poetry reading, lady?” asks
a sunny faced Japanese gent;
his Canon ‘Power Shot’
at the ready.
“Suppose you’re right,” I say, seeing
the funny side.
“OK – so your turn next, Miss.
Say, ‘Cheese’. ‘Watch the birdie!’
My English good, or not?”
‘Yes indeed.’
So...she’d got her way;
smiles all round; and it helped. Christ...
did it? And some.
Be careful what you wish for?
No chance.
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Poignant humour overcoming
Poignant humour overcoming the tension and sadness. Well told as always. Rhiannon
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Love this - a situation joins
Permalink Submitted by Jane Hyphen on
Love this - a situation joins up blithely into something more complete than it could have been.
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For the love of her, her wishes will be fulfilled...
... even when we don't have the power to fulfill another's wishes, somehow, thankfully, the Universe / God / Love does :) A most comforting thought I reckon.
Still, the ceremony is for the living who are left to handle their grief and loss, I'm guessing once we rock on out of here we're in the easy zone, it shouldn't really be 'the dead's choice' as to how those left behind want to work through the loss... or not ;-) ... {extra thought: guilt - such an interesting concept}
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