Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eighteen ( Pt 5 ) Out Of The Darkness

By skinner_jennifer
- 2458 reads
Brad had been lost for words, but suddenly spoke up. “We really need to get out of here quickly, there's no telling when Gregor and his men will come back.” He gazed over at Dawson, agitated to be gone. “Which entrance did you come through?”
Both Dawson and Varden made their way over to the entrance. Dawson remembered only too well that day he'd discovered the boys, with all the fear of his experience in the tunnel. They stood at the opening gathering their thoughts in readiness to leave.
Addie and Mason went over to help Ben up, who was feeling slightly woozy, but with an arm around each of their shoulders Ben was able to walk, he also wasn't all that heavy which was a blessing for the two men. Addie turned to Brett and Ruben; “Go round the boys up, make sure they stick together.”
As the others joined Dawson and Varden, they felt sure they'd escape the nightmare, it was something about Simon that gave them confidence, but the boys were more reluctant, afraid of what would be on the other side, they stood cowering in a group watching the adults making their plans.
Dawson remembered their ship breaking contact with Obsidian. Addie couldn't work out any reason why the screens had gone down, it was most unusual and it worried the Captain. At first he thought home might be under attack, but he also knew that was impossible, as they could detect if any invaders were within their atmosphere before they had a chance to enter; it was all very strange.
Dawson coughed clearing his throat. “Um! Shouldn't we get going?” The man was so desperate not to be caught again and felt like they were wasting valuable time.
The others agreed that Simon should go in front with Brad and the owl. The boy directed Tawny to lead the way. The bird had put his friends before his own family, the baby owls would now only have their mother to rear them and only Tawny knew about them, but in a strange way the wise owl knew they'd be okay without him.
Making their way down the tunnel, they came to a fork as the crystal continued to gleam in the fog, there was silence, as if they were wandering in a sacred place that only their feet had been, even the boys couldn't utter a word, they just listened and watched – it was very eerie.
“Which way do you think we should go?” Said Simon to Dawson.
The man wasn't sure, it all seemed so long ago. They felt the presence of the spirits, but this time the spectres never appeared, it was as if the ghost like figures were at rest, the crystal now in the hands of the boy giving them peace. “Maybe they're moving on!” Announced Simon, enjoying the fact it had been with his help.
They heard whispers down one of the tunnels, “this way!” Declared the boy. “Come on – don't be afraid.”
Tawny left Simon and flew down the tunnel, then flapped its huge wings and glided back, as if it were making sure they were still following. The dead end where Dawson had entered came in sight through the fog. As they approached Tawny perched on a rock; It seemed only Simon knew what to do next. He held the crystal up to the rock face and closed his eyes; concentrating on the entrance opening. His face screwed up as he was deep in thought, but nothing happened at first. But then there was a shudder, like the earth was quaking beneath their feet. They felt for their balance, afraid the ground would crack.
The rock face began to fracture slightly, it was like watching a chick trying to escape an egg. Simon began chanting over and over: “Ever open – never broken, ever open – never broken!” As he continued, there was a rapid movement and the rock began to split in the middle, the opening becoming bigger and bigger. Light appeared from the other side, at first it was like they were seeing paradise, as glints of sunlight appeared through cracks. The boys rubbed their eyes hardly believing what they were seeing. They could hear the sounds of the Ocean, as waves lapped the shoreline, it was a sound the boys had not experienced in many moon's and sun's, though they had no idea exactly how long they'd been in the Doom Chamber, it was all too much for them and they shrunk back into the darkness, their eyes unaccustomed to the brightness.
Finally the entrance was open and they could at last travel through. It felt strange to Varden as he passed through, not like his world at all. Ahead of him, Varden could see a strange looking craft, it was enormous to the boy, he felt overwhelmed by the size.
“At last – we've found our ship!” Declared Addie; glad to be back.
The boys still wouldn't leave the tunnel, turning away from the bright light wishing they were back in their own world, even if it was a prison, it was all they'd known for so long.
“It's okay boys!” Assured Addie. “There's nothing to be frightened of!” He hesitated though, wondering if it was the right thing to say, making a promise to them that maybe he couldn't keep, but then decided that one way or another he would get these people back to their homes, however long it took. “I promise as I stand here before you, that I'll get you all back to your world, whatever happens, you mustn't be afraid.”
Varden was the first of the boys to come forward, the other boys followed cautiously. Tawny remained on Brad's shoulder, he too was unsure of this new world, as strange looking birds appeared on the beach; one kind revealed two heads on one neck, it was quite disturbing for the owl, who thought it might attack at a moments notice.
“Quick!” Shouted Dawson, we need to get on board – use your communicator Addie?”
The Captain pressed the button behind his ear and immediately disappeared in front of the others eyes.
“Where's he gone?” Shouted Varden, looking around and feeling even more stressed than he was before.
“It's okay everyone – he's on board our ship.” There was nothing they could do now, but wait until the doors opened.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Nineteen ( Pt 1 ) Safe Haven | ABCtales
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The story continues apace :
The story continues apace : exciting stuff !
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...and never more richly
...and never more richly deserved...That said... in reality, Jenny, it was Tawny, who stole the show
Brilliant storytelling, as ever.
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Finally a literal break through back to ship and Gregor is in big trouble, really good read, Ray
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I liked the contrast between
I liked the contrast between Gregor and Sam at the start of this chapter. I was wondering whether Gregor had any redeeming features and his affection for Sam hints at some.
The spectral figures show yet more imagination in the ongoing story. There are so many ideas that have been incorporated into this that make it such a rich read. I do feel a tinge of sadness at approaching the end but I also want to find out how everything concludes.
Can't wait to pick this up again tomorrow :)
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