whistle on the Wynd (edit)

By alphadog1
- 1970 reads
‘Are we there yet’
‘No not yet.’
‘Eleanor leave your sister alone!’
'DAAAD! She’s pinching me.
Josh looked turned towards Lyn. She smiled. The kids were making a noise and the traffic was heavy and that combination always made her nervous. It led a to a tell. A slight shake of her tousled blonde hair and that smile, which hid a boiling rage. On days like this he wish he could drive. But years of epileptic seizures had closed a door to that.
‘Kids keep the noise down.’
Giggles laughter, screams.
‘Come on now girls, mummy is trying to drive.’
They stopped the car at the old priory. It was a pre-arranged decision to stop here for a picnic; before returning back home to Exeter after the weekend at Steve and Pauline’s place in Plymouth. Mainly because it was a handy place to let the kids remove some of their energy in what had been already been an arduous journey. Josh wanted to forget the weekend, especially the silent messages passed between Lyn and Steve, which were painfully embarrassing after two glasses of wine.
It was a warm sultry early afternoon. The sky had thick rolling dark clumpy cloud; that threatened rain. The overgrown grass blew wildly about the wooden fences and the foreground of the abbey; whose dark corners , broken arches and tumbledown buildings (made of ancient grey stone mixed with the rich red rock of Devon.) appear -at least to him- alive with an aged and undead malevolence. As he walked about taking the scene in with his Canon Dsi, clicking here; pausing to set a frame there; Josh felt a nausea grow. He felt it as strange stabbing in the back of his neck as if unseen eyes, bloated with a loathing of living things gazed. The nausea increased. Signs of a seizure. He mediated the feelings of anxiety down. This is a ruin. There is nothing out of the ordinary. Its energy is in the stone and the stone is old. Its battery is worn out.
‘Look Dad’
It was A.J, the youngest of the three, her green eyes shone with the delight of pushing boundaries, as she scaled the wall. She had her mother’s beauty and his love of excitement. Still…
‘AJ get down!’
Giggle. ‘come and get me!
‘Come on girls, its food time.’ called Lyn.
Two girls came scrambling out of the shadows of the abbey, as the one in front of him clambered down the rough Greystone wall.
Eleanor came over to the blanket
‘Look what I’ve found.’
Two tiny hands covered with slimy mud, red clay and sand were open, palms up to reveal in the clinging clay a long narrow tube.
‘What’s that?’
'Give it to me!’
‘No its mine!’
‘its not fair!’
‘Girls please!’
Lyn rummaged in her handbag for the wet wipes. Always there for the emergencies.
‘You can’t eat with hands like that. ‘
The muddy tube was thrown, discarded in the long grass by the fence. Josh put down the camera on corner of the blanket and then walked towards where the muddy tube had been discarded. He picked it up and as he did, his curiosity grew .
The tube was encrusted, but was about five inches long. It glinted with an azure stain in the rich near burgundy slimy red clay. Abstractly, Josh walked back to the blanket and picked up the plastic packet of wet wipes already almost empty, due to three mucky little girls and their ferocious appetite for adventure. Carefully and very slowly he began to remove the clay.
‘Josh put it dow-‘ sigh
‘-but it’s actually quite’ –
‘-Daaaad, it’s probably got dog poo on it-‘
‘-Errgehh! Daddy picking up!’
‘Eleanor touched it ffirst !’
Oh god kids!
It cleaned up well. It was about five inches in diameter, made of bronze, or brass, he couldn’t tell, but then he wasn’t a metallurgist. He was an unemployed father of three, with an unrecognised disability and a degree, that, if he had the ambition, (which right now, he confessed to himself he had little of.) into something valuable.
‘The writing’s familiar-’
‘-Darling, just put it down.’ She had that awkward face he recognised. He glanced at her, smiled, slightly and looked down again. Trying his hardest not to hear the tiredness in her voice. Knowing and fearing the distance between them.
‘-It’s got some Anglo Saxon runes on it.’
The soft sweet smelling wipes finally removed the wet clay in a smear across the tube. Through the mud, tiny indentations could be seen. There were runes and they were Anglo Saxon. He was certain of it. He recalled during the Dane law, that began around 638 CE, many practices were exchanged, the writing of runes was one of them. The Anglo Saxon Runic alphabet, differed from the Viking in many respects. Some of this was due to accent and dialect differences between locations; making the runic system exchangeable to a point.
The letters stood out C..al e..n..de h..ae w…ill c…y..me. …Cal ende hae will cyme… call and he will come… Fascinating.
There were also three tiny holes near the bottom of the tube. Taking his pen knife from his pocket he began to slowly remove the wet soil from within the tube. Muddy water spilled out onto the blanket.
‘Josh look what you’re doing dear.’ That sigh again.
With a little difficulty he removed the rest of mud clearing it completely.
‘Darling, please put that thing down. ‘ she sounded as if she was talking to a child. She always did.
‘It’s a, a whistle I think.’
‘-Or some old tat some other tourist dropped while climbing the walls. Darling, you dig something up, Eleanor copies you. ‘
‘-She has a love of historical finds.’
Lyn gave her stare to Josh. The stare that Josh new too well. The stare that said don’t be an arse and be realistic.
‘-Have you seen any jobs lately?’
‘-You’re not looking hard enough. Seven years you have been working towards that bloody degree. Now you have it, start making some money.’
Josh looked down and away from the kids. Lyn had said that in front of them deliberately.
‘-Why don’t you look for work.’
‘-We’ve been there Josh. For Christs sake don’t be an arse.’
‘What’s an arse Daddy?’ AJ looked up innocently.
Josh walked away. He found Eleanor at his side a moment later.
‘I love you daddy.’
‘I love you too p-.’ He was going to say pumpkin, but changed his mind, as she was high on the spectrum disorder for SSD. Ergo she would not understand a metaphor. He grinned and looked at this their eldest daughter with love.
‘Tell me, where did you find it?’
Eleanor smiled and led Josh to the western wall.
Just down there Dad.’ She said quietly.
‘Dad, why is Mummy like that?’
Mummy is worried that there isn’t enough money to keep us in our home. Mummy hates daddy. Mummy has met Steve and thinks he’ s better fuck. It happens.Josh’s eyes became strained. Hiding the anxiety that was building.
‘It’s nothing to worry about darling.’
The words sounded empty in his voice Josh knew that Eleanor was smart enough to pick up on it.
‘So where exactly did you find it?’
She pointed down at the base of the wall.
Both of them looked at the hole recently uncovered by the weekend rain. Feeling a little nervous, and not knowing why, Josh put his hand into the earth and felt something hard and narrow. He pulled at it. With a soft plop the earth released its secret. It was the topper most part of a human skeletal finger.
‘That settles it, put it back. It’s some piece of history that belonged to that old dead body. Leave it alone. Her words were even more shocking by the ferocity of the sound. Jess , the middle of the three girls and the most inquisitive looked at the whistle.
‘Mummy’s right. We should leave it here. ‘
‘I think we should take it t the museum in Exeter.’ Josh tried to persuade.
Lyn gave Josh a hard stare.
Here we go again. No dammit he thought before replying.
‘I am taking this back home, I am going to properly clean it and when we get home I am going to take it to Exeter museum. That’s that!'
Lyn looked at Josh. Her now mirthless eyes glittered with contempt.
‘Fair enough.’ came her terse reply.
‘Can I see daddy? AJ asked.
Josh passed her the little whistle.
AJ thought about it, playing with the little whistle in her tiny fingers. Then she put her mouth to one end and blew. The sound it made was ethereal . A whisper on the wind, Josh thought absently. The sound was captivating and yet distant; and in its sound something seemed to wake. Josh shook his head.
Lyn stared at AJ and then at Josh with anger.
‘That’s so fucking you isn’t it! Christ you let them do anything! How do you know that this whistle, or whatever it is, doesn’t have some some, weird shit on it-‘
‘-You can’t keep them bottled up forever.’
' -or something! The germs are everywhere! ‘
‘-what the hell is wrong with you?’
‘-It was next to a fucking corpse!’
-Jesus Lyn! Im sorry!’
‘-Be a fucking parent Josh for Chist’s sake!’
‘-What the-‘
‘-I’m sick of being the grown up around here Josh! Sick of it!’
She looked away.
Silence settled around the picnic blanket, as Josh held back the tears.
The drive home was in silence, as was the rest of the night, where only Lyn could be heard giggling into her phone.
when bed came it was full of wild dark horses.
Josh heard a scream. He arose and walked to the communal bedroom that the three girls shared. AJ was kneeling on her bed . Her hands were over her eyes, screaming in hysterical wails. He walked towards her cabin bed and tried to hold her, but she wrestled in his arms and fought him off. He took a step back.
‘She’s still in the dream.’
Then she pulled her tiny hands away from her face with forceful movements , as if someone or something unseen was stopping her.
Then she stared towards him.
'Why did you let me touch it Dad? ‘ Her voice was low dark and malevolent. Her eyes were lost black sockets.
Josh awoke screaming.
That morning, AJ came into bed with them.
‘I had a baad dream daddy.’
‘Darling what happened?’ he waited for the reply
‘ At the broken place there was something there a dark thing it chased me and I couldn’t get away.’ Her voice came in soft sobs.
Lyn moaned low.
‘come on let’s get up.’ He whispered.
An hour later over a summery breakfast, Josh spoke to Lyn.
‘You’re right. I’m I’m going to the museum today to see if I can get my name on the work list. Lyn smiled warmly at him.
‘I can be a bitch sometimes.’
He could hear the sadness in her voice, but the sincerity was not there; and he knew that would never come back. Trust had been broken.
Josh waited patiently for one of the museum staff to meet him. In his pocket he played with the tiny whistle. When he finally met with the staff, he decided to avoid the issue of work and show the find instead.
‘Fascinating, fascinating and and where did you find it?' asked the plump sweaty little man behind the desk. His voice plum weighted.
‘ well your right about the markings, a fascinating find, and close to where a body was found you say. ‘ There was a long pause. ‘You do know the story…about the Priory?
‘Well I am surprised… I thought that everyone knew.’
Josh held back his sense of mirthless derision. This man was flogging his qualification at him.
'The priory was once run by an abbot of , let’s say, a questionable faith. His practices…they were…err… frowned upon. It’s said that he …’
Josh nodded in the right places, but on the whole found the man vacuous and full of his own words: in fact a complete bore.
‘...incidentally You were right about the runic alphabet. It is Anglo Saxon not Viking… the fact that it was found at the abbey infers that it might be part of an older treasure. I’m not sure what the words themselves mean. “Cal ende hae wille cyme.” Sounds very, MR James. Of course the word Cyme also refers to a claim so the owner is owned by the action of calling on “Hae” whomever , or whatever “Hea” might be. Urrm I wonder Can we have it? His puffy face was flushed with excitement.
‘ I’ll think about it.’ Josh replied.
Nods followed farewells as Josh left.
That night both Josh and Lyn were about to go to bed themselves when screams filled with terror were heard coming from the girls bedroom.
Both Lyn and Josh ran up the stairs . They reached the door and Josh tried to open it. But it was solid.
‘Open the door.’ Ordered Lyn
‘I can’t’ it’s not moving.’
Josh slammed into the door. Once. Nothing happened. Twice. Again nothing. The third and the fourth time nothing. The screams were getting louder and louder. They could hear things smashing loudly around the room.
With a final viscous kick, Josh smashed the door open and they both fell into the room. Three duvets begin to wrap about the girls necks. the room howled and screamed with unseen violence; as they fought against the duvet’s that were themselves forming into hideous faces. He fought and grappled AJ free and pushed her out of the room. Then he grabbed Jess and Lyn pulled Eleanor who was barely breathing.
They drove to the priory on dark open roads carrying out a step of blind faith. when they arrived Josh replaced the whistle where he found it;in the hoope that if he did so, then Eleaanor would wake. With trepidation he walked back to the car and towards a ruddy sunrise.
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Very nicely paced, and I like
Very nicely paced, and I like the interweaving of the relationship issues with the main plot. I think it needs a through going through for simple things that could do with being fixed (you say he has epilepsy, then you say he has an unrecognised disability - you mention one of the girls has an SSD - not sure what this is? - there are some missing words and some garbled bits). The dialogue is brilliant - very natural, however sometimes it's not clear who's speaking. The ending could perhaps be a little less abrupt. This is really good - it could be something even more special than that.
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Could you do it in two or
Could you do it in two or three parts? It's so good it's really worth it!
Stupidly it never occured to me that it would be ASD - thought it might be something else, even though you did mention the spectrum. It seemed odd you'd refer to epilepsy as if some people didn't see it as a disability. I hope you don't feel I was being too picky - it's just I really enjoyed it and felt it would be worth working on
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This is so lively, coloured
This is so lively, coloured with detail and authenticity, some of the imagery will stay with me.
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Really vivid, had me gripped.
Really vivid, had me gripped.
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