Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 5 ) Hope of a Brighter Tomorrow
By skinner_jennifer
- 1312 reads
Bracus had decided to camp up that night in one of the many entrances in the rock face. It was getting late and they needed to stay by one of the many fires that were constantly lit, a shelter from the cold weather. The children sat down afraid as darkness was approaching, their only comfort each other, as warmth was scarce with the little clothing they had on.
Ben and Jay had played their part helping to unload and didn't want to hang around much longer, afraid they would be roped in to doing more work and would never get away from Bracus. Although they were aware of the plight of the children, they also knew there wasn't much they could do for them at this point, but if possible they would be back with help once they were established and found their family.
Ben and Jay disappeared down one of the many passageways while the others were occupied, aware that they wouldn't be missed, but still nervous. It was now or never for them to get away. “I wonder if poor Varden will be okay?” Whispered Ben.
Jay wasn't sure the boy would be able to escape the clutches of Bracus so easily. “I don't think Bracus is going to let that boy go out of his sight, Varden will have to be clever if he's to break free.”
Without torches, the two men had no idea where they were going; but they knew they'd have to come out somewhere. It was going to be a cold, rough night for them; a fire was out of the question as it would draw too much attention, so they both decided that the best bet was to go a bit further on up the passageway, before retiring and trying to sleep.
The wind whistled down through the tunnels and voices from Bracus and his men could be heard faintly echoing in the distance.
“I think we're far enough away now, this is a good time to settle down for the night...what do you think Jay?”
Neither men could see it was so black. “You're right...it's too dark to travel any further and we don't know where we are; or where we're going.” Jay was apprehensive about sleeping and shivered, he could feel the goosebumps rising on his arms.
“I'm so hungry,” uttered Ben licking his lips in thought of a huge chunk of meat.
“Me too,” replied Jay, “but there's nothing we can do for now, just have to wait for morning.”
The two men slid down the wall of the tunnel their imaginations working overtime, as every sound and movement chilled them to the bone, leaving them nervous and afraid. The cold and damp was unbearable, but also the sound of the wind whistling down the tunnel made the atmosphere unfriendly for the two men, this was a night they wouldn't forget in a hurry.
Neither of them really slept but just napped, every so often they heard cries echoing down the tunnel from the weeping children, while a cacophony of voices were also raised in anger. Both Ben and Jay shivered again with cold, hugging themselves but still no warmth could be found.
By the time morning came, the two men lay on the ground in the still of the darkness, both stiff but also in need of relieving themselves.
“Come on...we'd better get going,” announced Jay stretching his arms and feeling his way up the wall.
Ben reluctantly got to his knees, crawling towards the wall. “Where are you Jay? I can't see a thing.”
“It's al right...I'm here...quick grab my hand and I'll pull you up.” Jay outstretched his arm, as Ben grabbed his hand. “Just don't venture from the wall and we'll be able to feel our way along the passageway.” A scurrying could be heard along the side of the wall opposite. “Sounds like rats...what do you think?” Murmured Jay.
“Could well be!” Whispered Ben. “At least I hope that's all it is...this place gives me the creeps, I say the sooner we get out of here the better.”
As they carried on walking torchlight could be seen in the distance, they both knew they couldn't go back, so they carried on regardless. “There's no where to hide,” whispered Jay. “We'll just have to hope that whoever is holding that torchlight is not dangerous.”
As they got closer, a voice shouted out, “Who goes there?” Ben and Jay froze on the spot, not sure what to do next. They had no weapons in which to defend themselves. Again the voice came, “I said...who goes there? Speak up I know you're there.”
From the torchlight appeared a tall well built man with shoulder length blonde scruffy hair, he narrowed his eyes trying to focus on the two men before him. “Why are you slinking through here? You should have a torch to guide you.”
Ben and Jay knew there wasn't anything they could do except tell the truth. “I'm afraid we're lost,” replied Ben. “We arrived on a ship yesterday and have no idea how to get out of this tunnel...if you could show us, we'll be on our way.”
The stranger glared at the two men through the torchlight. “You ain't supposed to be in these tunnels without light, there be bad men around who wouldn't think twice about chucking you in the dungeons, especially with you being strangers.” He turned to walk back along the passageway, waving Ben and Jay on to follow. “You two follow me and be sure to take a torch with you next time you go down, okay?”
Both Ben and Jay were relieved that they'd met someone who was at least helpful. “So is that why you have the beacons lit at all the entrances?” Questioned Ben, as he remembered them burning bright as they went up river.
“I'm the fire bearer and me name's Gibor, it's my job to make sure the fires never go out, there be quite a few of us that have this job, cause there's many tunnels and many valleys to cover.”
“So Gibor, do you know all the people that live on the Island?” Enquired Jay.
“All of them! Ain't no one who knows everyone,” was his reply. “Do you know how big this Island is? There are many valleys and many passageways, also chambers where you don't wanna go.”
Ben and Jay looked at one another as they finally saw daylight in the distance, a sigh of relief on their faces.
“Nearly there,” uttered Gibor. “You two need to find a place to stay, otherwise it's going to be another cold night for you both, have you got any plans?”
Jay decided to raise the question of his parents whereabouts. “We were wondering if you'd heard of a man and woman by the names of Evelyne and Nathen? Only they're the people we've come here to look for.”
“Ain't never heard of em...but I'll take you to someone who might know them. Both of you follow me, I ain't got much time...got to be back on the job...lots to do.”
As they left the tunnel, Gibor led them down one of the many snow covered paths and along the bank of a river, which was almost frozen over, but for a few gaping holes of fresh water. “I really need to relieve myself!” Declared Ben. “Can we stop a moment?”
Gibor became impatient wanting to get back to his job. “Okay...but hurry up...I ain't got all the time in the world.”
Finally they were ready to move on, the snow continuing to fall as the wind picked up once more, the chill numbed their frozen hands.
“I imagine this is a beautiful place during the Summer months?” Questioned Jay, looking at the landscape of valley and mountains.
“It sure makes my job a lot easier in the Spring and Summer,” replied Gibor striding out and crunching through the snow. “All this white stuff tends to put the fires out quicker...makes my job as a fire bearer, a lot more exhausting.”
As they trekked deeper into the valley, they came to a clump of trees, that at this time of the year were bare of leaves, black birds sat in the branches chirping away merrily, also feathers hung from the branches and fluttered in the air. Beyond the trees was a round building with smoke appearing from the roof, some crows jumped around in the snow, looking for a morsel of food, it was a building that Ben and Jay had never seen before.
“What's that structure?” Asked Jay.
“That's Liora's lodge, she's one of our healers...very close to the earth she is, believes in the spirits and all that...can't say I understand it all myself.”
Jay was immediately interested, here was a woman he would understand. “Well I'm looking forward to meeting Liora,” replied Jay. “Sounds like we'll have a lot in common.”
“Why is that then?” Enquired Gibor, interested to know what this man was about.
“Because I'm a healer myself...have been for ten Summers.” Suddenly Jay became excited at the prospect of meeting this woman.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Thirteen ( Pt 6 ) Connections and Confrontations | ABCtales
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An outstanding chapter, in my
An outstanding chapter, in my view, Jenny; packed full of atmosphere and rich descriptions.
Just a very minor detail in the sentence begins: I'm the fire-bearer, and me name's Gibor...'
The whole thing is packed full of atmosphere and rich descriptions, and I am more than interested to find out about Liora's Lodge, and the lady herself, of course.
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Good progression
Lots of detail makes the scene work, Liora sounds interesting and Gibor seems like good guy, maybe allies we'll see.
great read Ray
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