Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fourteen ( Pt 4 ) The Search For Dawson Begins
By skinner_jennifer
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Ben – Varden – Cinnamon and Will had left the camp and made their way back to Liora's lodge. The goat welcomed the little party, not showing the slightest fear at the strangers who were entering when Liora wasn't there.
For Cinnamon it brought back memories of home, wondering how the family were and if they'd given up searching for her. Deciding that when they got back to the mainland, she would never run away again, she missed her family so much.
The fire was almost out apart from the few embers that survived, so Ben lay some more logs on, igniting flames from the torchlight.
The blanket of snow outside lay crisp and even, as Varden stood at the entrance, finally glad to be released and enjoying the magical, twinkling stars.
Turning to Ben with a relaxed expression, he declared how grateful he was for being set free, all the tension and fear had disappeared. “I didn't think I would ever see freedom again...you have no idea.”
Ben looked up, the sudden flames lighting up his smile. “Varden you've come such a long way and you've been really brave, I only hope that we can save this man Dawson in time.”
“I hope so too,” replied Varden looking back up at the sky, wondering about the world Dawson had come from.
“I think you need to come inside and get some rest, we've a long day tomorrow and need to be alert.”
Cinnamon agreed and settled Will down on the furs. “Come on in Varden...I can't drift off till I know you're asleep.”
Varden had been sleeping so much of late that he really was too excited to get any more rest. “I'll be there in a moment...I just want to take in the clear night sky and enjoy the freedom.”
His thoughts turned to how far they'd come and what the future held. 'Could it be that everything was coming together now?' Those thoughts were put to one side as he knew if Dawson died...it would have all been for nothing.
Finally he came in and settled. The warmth of the flames as he lay in the furs, finally sent him drifting off into a restless sleep, lost in dreams of ships and sea monsters, it left the boy in a hot sweat. Jumping awake he realised where he was, relieved he calmed down wiping his eyes, this time he rested peacefully till morning light.
Varden was the first up eager to be off. He went out to relieve himself, shading his eyes from the Sun's rays. Some Crows had come down to feed near the trees that stood outside Liora's lodge. Varden wondered at the feathers that hung from the branches and contemplated on why they were there. One of the Crows came and landed on a limb, the flock of snow suddenly disbursed and fell snow on snow, ruffled by the disturbance.
The crow watched the boy with interest, showing no fear. Varden was quite surprised, as most birds on the mainland would fly away when humans were around. After relieving himself he again entered the lodge and woke Cinnamon and Will. “Do you think we should wake Ben?” He whispered. “The Sun's quite high.”
Cinnamon sat up as Will's eyes opened slowly. She knew Ben wanted to make an early start and it was already quite late. “Yes definitely wake him, we've lost enough time as it is.”
The boy made his way over to where the man slept and gently poked him whispering his name. “Ben...Ben, wake up it's late.”
The man stirred and came too, stretching. “I must have been more tired than I realised,” he yawned. “Just give me a moment and I'll milk the goat.”
“I can do that,” replied Cinnamon. “I milked our own goats all the time back home."
There wasn't any food to eat and it was too late to go hunting, so they drank their milk, hoping they could get some food at Kalina's and Tariq's.
When they were ready to leave, Ben wondered about the goat and if it would be all right. Liora hadn't seemed that worried so he supposed that goats could find their own food if need be.
Setting off, they made their way down Harebell Passage, glad to be out of the glare of the sun. They reached the jetty once more and made their way along the path towards Hawk Entrance.
Some men were busy on a couple of ships that were docked, mending sails and cleaning the decks, they sang as they worked not even aware of the little party that were making their way along the trail. Upon entering the passageway, the stench hit them straight away. Varden couldn't ever remember it being that bad when he played down in the catacombs. They all screwed up their noses and felt the air heavy with the rank smell of dead bodies.
“Quick!” Replied Ben, “We need to fast-track through here, poor Will's going to throw up in a minute.” The boy could hardly contain the feeling in his stomach.
As they quickened their pace and neared the other end of the tunnel, they saw torchlight coming towards them, moving in closer two figures were coming their way. Varden observed it was a man and woman, then as they got closer, Kalina and Tariq were within sight. It had been a long time since the boy had seen them, but he recognised his neighbours immediately.
Through the torchlight he called out. “Tariq! Kalina...It's Varden, do you remember me?”
The man and woman could hardly believe their eyes it had been so long. “Varden...how are you?” They said in unison picking up pace. There were a lot of hugs and smiles as they became once more united. Varden introduced them to Cinnamon and Will. Ben already having met them asked if they'd been down in the catacombs again.
“That's where we're heading now,” replied Tariq. “Kalina's been keeping an eye out for those guards, she's seen them coming and going a couple of times, and doesn't think they'll be back down for a while.”
Varden's heart raced as he realised how close he could be to Dawson, convinced it was him down there. “We need to come with you,” said the boy in anticipation. “If it's Dawson...I need to be there when he's rescued.”
Kalina and Tariq didn't think it was any place for a child to go down into, but Varden was adamant he was coming, so it was agreed that he could go too.
Will tugged on Cinnamon's arm pulling her back. The boy had been quiet up till now, but going down into such a scary place did not appeal to him. “Please don't go down there...it's too dangerous.” He declared in a frightened, whispering voice.
The girl was actually inclined to agree and spoke of her concerns. “When you said it was no place for children, the fact is you're right, so me and Will are going to wait outside for you.”
They all agreed with the girl. “Of course Cinnamon...you're right, the catacombs are no place for children. You go and wait outside the tunnel with Will, if you see anyone coming from your end, can you get down quickly and let us know? You could always whistle when you get close enough.” Stated Ben.
Cinnamon agreed that she would do as they asked, but there was no guarantee the guards wouldn't come in from the other entrance, it was a chance they would have to take.
Passing company they went their different ways as Tariq – Kalina – Ben and Varden made their way down, unsure of what they would find.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fourteen ( Pt 5 ) Working Together | ABCtales
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Getting mighty close
hope nothing messes up their rescue, hope Cinamon and Will, will be alright outside, poor Dawson, its been a long time, great story telling clear concise imagery and enjoyable read Ray
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