Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fourteen ( Pt 3 ) The Trek
By skinner_jennifer
- 839 reads
Usha had said her goodbyes too, wanting to get back to her man and the safety of her home, happy that she'd helped save the children from Bracus.
Liora – Jay and her men trudged their way across the valley of snow, taking care to make sure the children didn't loose their footings, as they moved further and further towards the mountains that ascended high. Following one of the many streams that was frozen over, they came to a grove of tall trees, that were silhouetted towering high above them, giving a spooky feeling to the children who were not used to walking at this time of night. They cowered, holding each others hands tightly, as they listened out for all the sounds around them, glad they weren't alone.
As they moved further on, there was an intense remoteness to the landscape with no trees or vegetation in sight, just the snowcapped mountains in the far distance, and the little band of travellers looking like a black mass from a distance, as they moved across the snow.
Liora explained to Jay that the closer they got to the range, the more isolated the environment would become. “When we reach the mountains, we will need to take a rough steep path around the base, It can be pretty dangerous at this time of year...very slippery, so the children will need to be careful.”
The first rays of sunshine started to glow as dawn broke, leaving an enchanting – pristine wonderland, giving the snow a glistening appearance as the morning continued to get warmer and the sun rose higher.
Walking along next to Liora, Jay had been quiet lost in his own thoughts, but It puzzled him how the children would survive in this remoteness, so he decided to question Liora as to their safety. Slipping his arm in hers, a pleasurable feeling he'd never felt before came over him as he touched her. Liora became aroused at the contact, not understanding this new sensation, she turned and smiled at Jay, feeling her face flush, so looked away quick.
Jay had not noticed her blushing, turning to face her he spoke. “I was just wondering...how will the children ever be safe here? There's nothing for them to eat and I'm worried for their welfare.”
“It's okay!” Liora declared, deciding to shrug of her feelings. “When we reach the other side of the mountain, life will be abundant...but not the same as at the camp. There's vegetation and the weather is different than where we've just come from.” The woman knew Jay wouldn't understand, or be satisfied until he'd found out everything about the location they were heading too.
“So...how long will it take us to reach our destination?” Questioned Jay, feeling the warmth of the sun on his face.
“We should reach the other side by next nightfall, depending on how long we stop to eat and rest during the day, and how quickly the children walk. There's lakes on the other side of the mountain close by to where we're taking the children, so there will be food to eat...the fish are plentiful there. Also there's a waterfall that runs down the rocks from the peaks...the temperature's so different, not as cold even in Winter.”
“That's strange...how come it contrasts with these temperatures?” Jay was very puzzled, his forehead screwed up at the thought.
“I don't really know!” Replied Liora. “I think it's just one of those freaks of nature...a special gift from the Mother. As we approach, it's as if we walk through an invisible entrance to another world.”
The rays now started to dazzle the travellers, causing snow blindness, though they were still cold and thoughts of shelter were very much on their minds.
Liora continued to explain. “This is the reason people don't travel over this land, nobody even knows this place exists apart from me and my men, only discovering it by accident. We went out on an exploration to check out the rest of the Island.” Liora became excited just talking about the wonder of the area. “You wait...it will shock you when you see the beauty of the place, like it did me when I first went there.”
Jay wondered with anticipation how the children would feel. This would be such a good experience for them, after what they'd been through.
There was one thing that worried Liora, she hesitated as she spoke his name. “Jay!” she bit her lip unsure of his reply.
“What! What is it?” He added, worried as to what she was going to say next.
She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. “I must ask you to keep this place a secret...if many people find out about it, then it will no longer remain such a beautiful area, and will become overcrowded. The children will never remember how to get here, once they go back to their lives on the mainland, they will have forgotten about what they see.”
She took his hand in hers and explained more. “There is a cave that holds many crystals, there's one crystal called Malobi, which if located on the forehead will take away peoples memory of the environment, I intend to use it on the children when they leave.”
Jay was left speechless at the very thought of something so mysterious and powerful. He'd always believed in the crystals, but never before had he thought that the power could be so strong.
Liora continued to explain. “There is a special pool where the children can bathe and be healed, I call it: The Healing Waters Of Enlightenment And Secrets. Much of my powers have come from the pool.”
Now Jay was even more intrigued and couldn't wait to get to this place. “I'm a healer too as you know, it has always been my duty to follow in the ways of healing, if you wish this place to be kept secret, you won't find me divulging anything to anyone...not even Ben.”
Liora smiled, happy that they could continue on their way without her having to worry.
Jay suddenly had a thought and decided to question Liora further. “I was just wondering!” He voiced his thoughts as they walked together.
Before Jay could say any more, the woman spoke up. “You've had a visualization haven't you? I can tell.” Liora got an image in her mind.”
“How did you know?” He said a bit unnerved by her comment.
“I can read the minds of people I get close to...it's like I see a picture of their thoughts.” She took his hand once again and told him not to be troubled by her words.
“Okay! So what am I thinking?” He asked in a matter of fact way.
Smiling she said. “You want to know if I can bring Dawson to this place and heal him.”
Jay stopped in his tracks. “That's right...that's exactly what I was going to say. Well I'm very impressed, but I hope you can't read everything I'm thinking.” He felt slightly anxious at the idea.
Liora could see the expression of worry in his eyes and a beaming smile lit up her face. “Please...don't fret Jay, I can't see every thought, just those I put my mind too.”
Jay was relieved about that. “Phew! Well that's a comfort,” he uttered. “So can we take Dawson to this healing pool?”
“I suggest that we take the water to him, we'll carry some back in a water bag and give it to him to drink...that will have the same effect as bathing in it.”
As they were in conversation, one of Liora's men caught up with the man and woman. “Liora!” He voiced, out of breath from the trudge through the snow.”
“What is it Avner?” She enquired as they stopped in their tracks.
“It's the children, they need to rest. The heat of the sun and the snow is becoming to much for them.”
Liora and Jay had been so deep in conversation, they'd completely forgotten about time, and how long they'd been walking. “Okay!” She announced, “we'll stop and have some food and water, but only for a short while...we need to get to the mountain before nightfall.”
Avner agreed and went back to let the children know, glad of the rest himself, but the weary travellers only had the wet snow to sit on and without shelter it wasn't pleasant, so it wasn't long before they were walking once again.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fourteen ( Pt 4 ) The Search For Dawson Begins | ABCtales
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A magical place of healing
They sure need it, those poor kids, cold and snow not my favorite combination though they usually go hand in hand. Quite a clear picture you paint, so glad Liora seems as attracted to Jay as he is to her, nicely done. I love these characters you've done a wondeful job bringing them to life, Ray
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