By munchkinkittie
- 2247 reads
Lately, I can't tell if I've been losing my grip on reality. Not in the way that I can't tell if it's real or not real, if it's a dream or not a dream, but rather whether or not I've become disenchanted with reality. It's not even that I'm unhappy with life. It's rather comfortable and I don't have much to complain about. But every night, and every morning...
I've developed an insomnia of sorts. I think it's because I haven't had a sincere sleep schedule. I go to bed at random times, and it's usually whenever I feel like it. But because of this nasty habit, every night I struggle to go to sleep. I want to go to bed at midnight, I fall asleep at five in the morning. I want to go to bed at five in the morning, I don't fall asleep until nine. It usually takes copius amounts of meditation to coax my mind into dreamland, and often times I think I pass out from sheer exhaustion.
I've been told that six hours is all your body needs to be well rested. So why is it that I sleep for twelve hours on end? And I usually have to force myself up to face the day. All I want to do is hide under the covers, away from the piercing light of day. I want to be in a world that my subconscious creates; one that is ever changing.
Dreams. Why are they so enchanting? Why do the woo me into the realms of fantasy? Dragon slaying, zombie hunting, futuristic races against time. I witness the lives of many and I experience many of my own. Each night I await the illustrious visions that await me, and each morning I despise their leaving.
My father told me once, when I was younger, to never be too enamored with one's dreams. Otherwise one may be trapped there forever, never to return. When I was younger I used to laugh at him, that it was just another of his 'old-wives tales'. But now as an adult, it seems to becoming more dangerously true.
And it's not even that I want to leave the life that I'm leading; it's just dream me doesn't want to leave dreamland.
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I can identify with this
I can identify with this story. I think dreaming is amazing whether good or bad. You get to do things you'd never do in the real world and experience adventure. I've just written a poem about one of my dreams that I actually wrote down as soon as I remembered.
I have a lot of dreams about wandering streets, then become lost and sometimes forget where it is I'm supposed to be going. Often when I ask the way, people ignore me as if I'm not there. I always wake up before I reach my destination.
I always try to get to bed at the same time every night, then I get into a habit and usually sleep through the night.
Anyway, thanks for putting this piece on, it's good to know I'm not alone.
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I sympathise with your
I sympathise with your problem Jennifer. There are many factors at work here that seem to be causing your insomnia. As far as I can tell with the info you have supplied one of the main reasons you maybe finding it hard to get to sleep is because you are too stressed out about the prospect of actually falling asleep. The anxiety that this causes does not allow your body to relax in such a way that it can rest. The more you stress over it the harder it is to get to sleep.
I would highly advise against taking sleeping pills or anything of the sort and also try avoiding any stimulants before going bed. Allow yourself the freedom of not having to sleep, make it optional and just settle for rest instead. Once you are relaxed you’ll probably fall asleep without knowing it.
The thought that you might be trapped within a dream probably also has a big part in this but try and cling to logic. Dreams are merely illusions and memories created by the mind whilst you are asleep. Since they are of your own mind you are in control of them and you may wish to explore what is called “Lucid dreaming”. Whatever you dream of cannot hurt you because it is dependent on your dreaming to exist.
Anyhow just a few suggestions I thought might help you through this problem.
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Oops comment was meant for
Oops comment was meant for munchkinkittie not Jennifer.
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