An Introduction : Mad Smithers and the Government's All Under Control Plan
By hilary west
- 1123 reads
This bit of writing was originally intended as a comic strip but it never materialised. I think it can be followed without the drawings as I will give changes of scene at appropriate times. This then is dialogue only that would have appeared in the strip balloons.
Backstories on four of the main characters.
Mad Smithers is an evil, twisted man, bent on scientific research, and getting people under his control. As a boy he had a very domineering father who was strict and gave him no sense of freedom. When other boys were out at play Smithers was forced to learn mathematical formulae and recite the proper names of elements, chemicals etc. Other boys soon began to resent him, sensing he was different to them. They turned away from the class swot. Smithers was left alone and began to hate. This sense of alienation led to hatred of society, people’s attitudes, and their prejudices. Soon he lost a sense of ethics and morality and lived only for his research, a research that would not help people, but only dwarf and cripple them. Able to influence others he soon spread his poison. When Mr. Hardcastle, a government minister, has evil plans for the country’s people who better to engage on his project than the evil Dr. Smithers. When a government wants to control people a twisted Smithers at last gets the chance to dominate others in the way he has always craved.
The government minister Mr. Hardcastle is a fat, little man who only does his duty. With directives from the top of the political echelons his mission is to deliver them. A pragmatic, fastidious man he wants results and he wants them fast. A typical administrater, and cold and clinical in his adherence to duty, Hardcastle is the sort of unfeeling automaton we should all beware of.
Pig’s Trotters is a rather large lady. A lesbian girlfriend of Rosemary Custard B.A. she has a distinctly porcine look and has large plump hands that adorn a dining table like two pig’s trotters. Both epicene and epicurean she is a very educated lady. She is an effective teacher though some girls laugh at her a bit. This is soon quelled by Pig’s Trotters, however, and she can be authoritarian. Always taking charge in a capable and professional way she is very efficient. There are no flies on Pig’s Trotters.
An older woman of 45, Loose Lucy has been a madam at a local brothel for several years, before that being a better class sort of sex worker. Inured to a life ‘in the business’, she is tart with heart, and will not break the bonds of a tacit moral code. For she is a woman that cares, cares about her charges, Babette and Tiger Lily and Andrex and Darren. She takes her job seriously and looks out for the boys and girls. Obviously considered loose by most people she is, however, keen to combat the terrible immorality of total control of an unsuspecting, nay, even gullible, public. She is a formidable woman in many ways and is a distinct threat to both Mr. Hardcastle and of course Mad Smithers.
Mad Smithers : A crazy research scientist.
Mr. Hardcastle : A Government Minister.
Malcolm : Assistant to Smithers.
Elder McCronie : A bible basher.
Loose Lucy : A madam at the local house of ill-repute.
Babette : A young girl of easy virtue.
Tiger Lily : A second girl of easy virtue.
Andrex and Darren : Two bad boys.
Luigi Pesto : An Italian restaurateur.
Mrs. Upsall : A virtuous woman at Elder McCronie’s church.
Rosemary Custard B.A. : A middle-aged teacher at a ladies’ college.
Pig’s Trotters : A lesbian girlfriend of Rosemary, also a teacher.
PC Potts : A policeman.
Susan McCronie : Daughter of Elder McCronie.
Mrs. Struthers : Stentorian landlady at Repentance House.
Judge Lynch : A local Judge.
Prison Guard : In charge of Rosemary Custard’s jail.
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