Donald Trump,Thank You......2016.
By Michael Castile
- 1075 reads
Donald Trump,Thank You....
Who's it gonna be Donald or Hillary, we don't have long to wait and see
Who would you vote for, if you had the chance, she asked
I'd vote for Donald for the entertainment value, see
Are you mad, are you insane, she screamed
That man is a megalomaniac, isn't that plain
Well I could not have that Hillary in that office over there
Such a boring woman, she'd have me pulling out my hair
How she drones on, and on with all the charisma of a tree
Listen here to me, she said. If you were to vote for him, then we as a couple would be dead
What do you mean by that, I asked
That our relationship would be no more
Yeah, that's right she roared, done and dusted, and out the door
Hang on a tick I said to her, as she made a break to escape
Is what your saying to me, we as a couple would cease to be
But we ain't even American, we can't even vote
Surely to God we ain't gonna fall out over something, that's miles away and so remote
Yes, she said definitely, that's just how it is going to be
It's all about the policies, can't you see
It's how they effect others, not just you and me
Are you saying to me, I enquired, how they are as people, she so boring, he seems quiet wired
Have no impact on their suitability to be sitting in the Whitehouse
It has some impact, yes, she agreed
But the bottom line is this, she said, and get this straight inside your head
If I hear you say one more time, and I know and sense you ain't lying
It's Donald Trump for me, then you and I are finished, end of story
I lay back upon my bed, contemplating what she said
Was this all my dreams come true, that I could be rid of her, like you do, so easily
I could lay the blame at the feet of Hillary
I laughed till I cried, then I smiled and said, It's Donald Trump for me
That's it ,she said, Get out before you're dead, you'll never lay your head in my bed again
So I happily complied with her suggestion and order, and left the house with great speed
In any case I have faith in Donald, I don't think he is going to do any real evil deeds
I'd say a lot of it is bluff and bluster, what he says from the stage, and when interviewed on tv
I mean nobody could be that mad, could they......? It's only entertainment, see
Mind I hope I'm right about that…
But I couldn't have Hillary in the White House over there
That boring woman, with her not too bad looking hair
When I see Hillary on tv, I feel physically sick to my insides,see
That indicates to me that there is something very wrong, with the person I see in front of me
Is it psychic intuition that's giving me permission, to call her out like I do
I say there's something that isn't really right with you
Are you lying, hiding and denying, what it is that we should see
I know politics is a dirty game, but there is something about you, that don't add up
What about that fall you had on tv, should we be worried, should we be scared
Are you taking psychiatric drugs as you comb your hair, to make it seem like you actually care
Are you getting zonked out like a zombie, as we watch you on tv
Hillary has an attitude when I see her on tv, hard to put my finger on it
But I know for sure there's something wrong
She seems so self assured in a schmaltzy kind of way, that she has nothing to worry about, come election day
Does she know something we don't know, could it be true what Donald says, it's all rigged in her favour
I mean how can you trust someone who hides 3000 emails under the table
I believe she'd be too handy with her finger on the nuclear switch, it would be easy to call her, an evil war mongering witch
In my view both candidates are a prime example of the human race gone wrong
Is this what happens with extreme wealth, does it all go to your head, does the fame game make you insane
For either to get into the White House, that could cause us all to die, Hillary with her boring finger on the trigger
Donald pointing the finger at Mexicans and Muslims, accusing and asking reasons why
That kind of chat could cause much resentment and anger, among these he points the finger at
That is not a clever strategy in the cold light of day
As we know where that can lead, and for real may cause many to bleed
Some Muslims and those in Isis, who are convinced they know what right is
Are not known for their sense of humour and joy
You're both too old to be President, you'd be out of touch with a lot of people, the youth for one
Maybe some of them would like to run for a gun, and shoot you down
As your swanning round the country, making speeches and causing others to frown
In any case Hillary, you've had your turn in the big White house on Capitol Hill
Although it was Bill who was out front and centre, but we are fairly sure as you ironed his drawers
You were not shy in coming forward with advice as his loving wife, how to sort out the world, and help him with his choices
Of course, there's that area that we'll not investigate too much. His infidelity was plain to see, to all of us who were watching
I'll bet you didn't offer advice, on which woman he should call in the middle of the night
But that's a different chapter, that was a different time. So we will let that lay where it is, and not go digging in that dark mine
All joking aside I don't want to die, cause some pensioner get's it wrong in the Whitehouse
Throwing us all into war with enemies unseen, or even those who are out front and centre
America again, sticking its oar in, as the world's self appointed Policeman
Who asked them to do that, at the drop of a hat, sending the troops, the navy and the air
force in
Committing their sins and crimes they deny, and lie about, all in the name of democracy
Causing death, destruction, madness and mayhem.
Upsetting the natives who may one day come back and slay them
As they bring the war back to America's door
Hillary ain't much good, but Trump he ain't much better. Not paying proper taxes since forever
The disrespectful way he speaks about the female race, when he ain't standing with them face to face
Or believes he'll be caught out publicly
I 'm not saying it's a disgrace, but it ain't great, is it
One of them is going to win, and that's going to be a sin, then we'll be stuck with them for the next four years or so
Unless of course someone with a sense of honour and respect, decides to shoot them dead
When they make it to the White House door, and then they would be no more
But that's America for you, it's a mad country, as are the people within
To even elect candidates such as this for their presidential stream
How can they do that, what does it mean. Can you not see it's really obscene
Now Hillary has the FBI on her tail once again, she's asking them to be open, transparent and clear
Does this not sound like kettle, pot and black. Has this woman no fear. Where did she get the gall to make such a call
The gumption to assume that we as the public watching, would not draw our own conclusions
About what is, and is not the truth
Brazen hussy, is what we'd call her here. Don't think it will make much difference over there
She's one tough cookie that's for sure, the way she keeps banging on the White House door
One of them is going to win, and will be sitting in the Whitehouse
What more can I say, come election day, I will be scratching my head like the rest of us. Anyway that's my take on American politics as I watch the two contenders at the gate
But I have more pressing matters on my plate, as I contemplate my life as a single guy once again
Back to reality , and my life as it is. I am out of a relationship that was going nowhere
Doomed to failure from the start, I could tell right away it had no heart
But sometimes loneliness will keep you stuck like glue, in relationships, had you a better choice you would not do
So thanks to a political fallout in a country far away
I can say Donald Trump, thank you. I am a free man today.
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Hi Mike, welcome back to the
Hi Mike, welcome back to the site. I suppose Trump has to have been good news for somebody, somewhere!
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Just when I thought I had
Just when I thought I had enough of Nellie the Elephant you put an entertaining spin on it.
Politics - I give up. I heard my neighbours plumb the depths of today's County Council Election.
Kelly's pal (man)' It used to be all rigged but it isn't no more.'
Kellys pal (woman)' I don't see no point in it.'
Probably the majority view
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