11. A Foreseeable Future
By Ewan
- 1162 reads
For the foreseeable future it is proposed
a military junta be imposed:
refrain from panic, please remain calm,
carry on, carry on, you’ll come to no harm.
Some things will change, your routine – true -
do not mention the “strict-curfew”.
Identity Cards will be issued soon,
before the start of the waning moon.
On request your papers should be produced,
our policemen cannot be bribed or traduced.
There is no question of stop-and-search:
(the police and the army have issued the birch).
Carry on with your business, the same as before
and you need not fear the knock at the door.
Any non-persons should ideally display
their nationality badge, beginning today.
There will be no rationing of essential goods,
some security forces may have to wear hoods
in the course of their duty of community care
when removing protesters from Leicester Square.
Its charter revoked, the BBC is disbanded.
Our nationalised press will be even-handed.
An internet permit will require some checks
as will aid and benefits for either sex.
Alcohol is served in sector bars,
you are still permitted the use of your cars
in the upright pursuance of government toil
regardless of whether there is any oil.
Music Hall Theatre is free of charge
to holders of the Culture Card.
The bill of citizen’s just rewards
will allow, for some, the carriage of swords.
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The WH Auden one! Like it.
The WH Auden one! Like it.
Parson Thru
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