Dream Catcher

By skinner_jennifer
- 4904 reads
Do not tease or mock my words as I lay them at your feet, for if sleeping visions do not intrigue please step aside, let them pass.
They occupy my mind like passengers of convincing impressions, I'm lost trying to find my way out of this building, trapped on moving platform which takes me down fast, stooping only a handrail stops my fall.
Enraged man with bowler hat and briefcase passes, running hell for leather, tumbles then picks himself up, disappears around hairpin bend mumbling to himself...he doesn't see me.
Stepping onto fixed flooring that heaves with wanderers creeping like zombies, I drown in unknown strange faces, their voices make no sense. Fingers grab my hair, clinging like branches, strands tangled but I cannot scream. Needing to escape this clamor with arms outstretched, shoulder to shoulder I thrust my way through.
Reaching door I push falling out onto curious lane. Darkness lurks like an old black and white Victorian scene, cold cobbles pick me up as I begin to wander this gloomy alley devoid of light apart from luminosity from moon.
Yet I'm not scared just glad to be breathing cool air. With head tilted back, eyes shut taking deep breaths, I sigh cloistered in my torment, but like a feline more alert as up ahead another door catches my attention.
Having strange feelings of nirvana while getting closer in what should be a disturbing experience manipulated by the unknown, I gaze at scabby walls, their mangled exteriors crawl with residue like a mossy substance. My fingertips try to remove, but green matter clings like leaches gripping tight.
Turning my head, without warning door has negotiated its way to face me, this doesn't seem unusual to me. Opening, steadily creaking hinges supply chills as nervously with trepidation I'm drawn inside. Entering this secluded ghostly room, cobwebs hang like dream catchers as large spiders cling to walls.
Maneuvering myself around and over rusty pipes corroded and ruptured with age, I glimpse a window on other side which brings in light, while its pane lies in bits scattered on floor. Outside snow flurries fall like a messenger of hope.
Forgetting lunacy of this cumbersome location, creeping like a steady whisper reaching my goal, looking out thick snow rests like an angels eiderdown enveloping walls. Looking back at the depression of my journey so far I realize there's only one way to go, so mounting the window with feet still naked I descend onto the icy cold drift, so chilly I'm awoken from my slumbers.
And so I ask...
Dream Catcher trap these sleeping visions that I may not set eyes on them again. This surreal deep thought hopefully cleansed with closure communicated.
Inspired to write after reading the I P, but not sure if it fits.
Picture by pixabay free images.
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... anything you're inspired
... anything you're inspired to write by the IP fits Jenny! Some fantastically graphic description in this one!
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I like the idea of dreams
I like the idea of dreams being passengers in the mind. Sometimes peaceful, sometimes the sort who scratch messages on the windows and make you tired when you wake up.
Also snow being like an angel's eiderdown is a lovely image
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Different from your usual
Different from your usual sunny writing Jenny and very good. Illustrates the sensation of being entangled and trapped in bodily horror.
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Fascinating account. Sounds
Fascinating account. Sounds similar to the morning journey through metro interchanges in parts and like an old factory I spent many years in in others. Really enjoyed reading this. Dreams, eh?
Parson Thru
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I often wonder where the
I often wonder where the strangers come from.
Parson Thru
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I hadn't thought of real
I hadn't thought of real night dreams in connection with the IP. It's funny how dreams can seem such a mixture-muddle of representations of fears and memories and hopes.
My mother-in-law (98) has very vivid dreams but is very insistent that things have really happened that are clearly dream-concoctions linked sometimes to films or books. She told one of my children a long story of travelling to US on a boat and people being sea-sick, and she had never ever done anything like it. But she also has dreams that upset her and asked me to pray that they'd be removed (God acting as a perfect 'dream-catcher'?) as she was afraid of going to sleep. I think there were things she wanted peace about anyway that were worrying her in her dreams. She wanted such dreams 'trodden upon' as the IP says! Rhiannon
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Yes! Yes! Yes! I think the
Yes! Yes! Yes! I think the same. I sometimes think we exchange whole rafts of information in a glance without being consciously aware. I always remember a look between me and my dad the last time I saw him. It seemed long and lingering but might have been a few seconds. I've no idea what went on, but something did. And all those people we walk past every day. One day, humans might begin to understand what the hell's going on, but I think it's a while away yet.
Parson Thru
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I don't seem to have time for
I don't seem to have time for the diary at the moment, unless there's something especially vivid or resonant. I'm sure it's worth capturing if only to understand our moods.
Parson Thru
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A brilliant description of a
A brilliant description of a lucid dream, Jenny. I too have colourful and intricate dreams but come the morning I only recall fragments that don't add up to much.
Luigi xx
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