A Poem
By alexander hay
- 516 reads
A Poem.
Aye..anywei..ah wuz thinkin’ o’ writin’ this poem
Jist aboot whit’s gawn thru’ ma heid..y’ken?- jist
Thoats an’ that..pittin’ thum doon oan papur.
Even goat a pen ready in aw- dedd prufeshunul like.
But- it’s funny..’cause it’s no as if it’s anythin’..like
Importunt- jist aw soarts o’ ideas an’ that- y’ken?
An’ it seems weird sayin’ it’s poetry- like,,’cause
It’s jist rubbish really- the wei wi think aboot stuff.
So anywei- ah wuz gonny write it aw doon- intae wee
Verses an’ that- no rhymin’ stuff or nuthin’- ‘cause
Aw that seems soarta iffy- y’ken? Tears ‘n fears an’
Skies above an’ love- ach! Yi ken whit ah mean- eh?
Right- so ah wuz ready tae pit it doon- jist write it
As it comes- y’ken? Bit ah felt a bit daft- ‘cause
thur wuz nane o’ thae mettafurs an’ similies.
Y’ken? Yon weird names- litotes- like wee feet- eh?
An’ whin ah thoat aboot it- ah mean- how wid it look
Oan the papur. Ah thoat- whit’ll peepul think- eh?
‘cause yi think o’ poets like Rabbie Burns an’ that
Or thae metafisikal guys- Keats an’ Shelley an’ that.
Ah ken thut the day thur’s loadsy uthur guys an’
Some o’ thur stuffs awright- y’ken? That dub stuff
Or even that auld guy- Betjumin. He wuz awright.
Ah even fun sum o’ his stuff funny- in a wei- y’ken?
Anywei- thur wuz aw this uthur stuff tae- meturs an’
That- anapaestic or sumthin’- an’ iambic feet- Christ!
If ah hud them- ah’ think ah’d go an’ see a doactur.
So ah thoat- it widnae be right an’ ah jist didnae bothur.
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I love how you have used
I love how you have used phoentic spelling here. A funny and skillful piece of writing.
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