Dreaming Of Camelot

By skinner_jennifer
- 2957 reads
Dear diary...
When I was a teenager I had a dream to reside in Camelot
with maidens and those men with swords who fought a lot,
or even undertaking as a lady in waiting so glad to be here
assuredly winning the affection of good queen Guinevere,
justice and equality at ambient medieval court of King Arthur,
halls of legendary stately tapestries reign, also metal Armour...
tackling those controversial proclamations with great ardour
knights were privy to a circular table where talk was darker,
I heard reports of strategies complicated wars were planned;
men pledged their honour to protect king and serve the land,
with battlements, moats and towers eager to please great king
if attack happened at an appointed hour then bells would ring.
When In her bedroom chamber If at queen's side I should be,
love of nature and training falcons, all desires I would see...
sad courtly love for Lancelot a tragic triangle of melancholy,
won't speak a word to anyone it would stay secret with me,
she would dress in crimson velvet no beauty could compare
and on her delicate feet gold slippers Guinevere would wear,
around slim waist yellow satin sash worn with a natural flair
complimented nicely to match shiny waist long blonde hair.
Now...I know of magician Merlin in his sandy cove resides
where Arthur made a covenant with directions wizard guides,
been said on isle of Avalon Excalibur was drawn from stone
but as phoenix bird rises from those ashes not a lot is known.
Before finishing my poem of chronicled tale of what I dream
I hover for a moment with quill...look up to full moon's beam,
think for just a moment if those heavenly stars above supreme
hold destiny of Guinevere, Arthur, Merlin treasures of esteem.
Pixabay free picture.
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What a lovely dream, Jenny.
What a lovely dream, Jenny. I have to say, if Arthur and his knights really are sleeping under a hillside somewhere, we could do with them waking up about now.
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Me too :0) We went on holiday
Me too :0) We went on holiday to Cornwall and I begged to go to Tintagel, and trailed round desperately hoping I would find something magic hidden in the grass that would take me back in time, like the stories I loved reading then. Your poem brought me right back to dreaming of all the magic and rich colours, thankyou!
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Yes! They tought me ore about
Yes! They tought me ore about history than I got from school :0) And they were so immersive, it was so easy to believe it would be possible to travel back. I guess when you are a child lots of things seem more possible than when grown up. I really thought there were timelines like railwaylines all over the place waiting for some historical object to trigger them so theyy would take people back and forward :0)
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Dear Jenny, I always enjoy
Dear Jenny, I always enjoy your storytelling and this poem is no exception but I hope you'll forgive me if I say that some lines could be tightened by removing unneeded words.
Take line 4 for example: 'assuredly winning affection of good lady queen Guinevere,'
I feel that the noun lady is surplus to requirement and the line could be tweaked thus:
'assuredly winning the affections of good queen Guinevere,
with the addition of the article the and the removal of lady it sounds smoother to my ears.
It has one fewer syllable but you are not working with a fixed number of syllables.
Other lines could also do with a re-examination.
Mind you this is only my opinion and you may have other ideas so I leave my thoughts with you and send you kind regards.
Luigi xx
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Van Morrison
Van Morrison has a song about Avalon, no it is an album. I thenk of William Blake too, a song which every child learns in England I unsdertsand it's a second anthem. Jerusalem.
Oh yes there is another on Avalon- Common One.
All the best Jennifer! Cheers!
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Avalon was a song and album
Avalon was a song and album by Roxy Music. Could this be the one you were meaning Tom?
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I missed this one Jenny -
I missed this one Jenny - Camelot'tintagel etc is such a wonderful legend. I wonder if the character in your dream might be suitable for something longer?
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Hello Kurt!
Hello Kurt! I don't think it's that is him, the man's album name was actually "Avalon Sunset" I think it has his song, 'have I told you lately that I love you' on, later covered by Rod Steward and which I believe is actually a spiritual song, often with Van Morrison it's hard to tell spiritual from romance, a woman's love and of God, he appears to experience the emotion much the same, as love.
Precious time is slipping away, all the best! Tom Brown
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
Another lovely poem about the knights and ladies. Your poem makes it all seem very real.
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