Olympian Dreams

By onemorething
- 3195 reads
Perhaps he has Olympian dreams
of a flaxen-haired, smirking sun-god,
or maybe the iron fist
of a more Jovian ambition,
and visualised, in its infancy
of the budding of becoming actualised,
the circle tightens, closes.
He hears yes
and yes
and the impossibility of no grows
and questions seem dispensable so
he offers the same answer to them all:
it feels potent,
it feels intoxicating.
It is the sound of the night waves
that beat at dark rocks
in their transmission of corruption,
and it is in the glazed eye of the shark
who bites and tears
because his teeth are sharper -
because he can.
It creeps its deception
of accidental regimes
and natural progressions:
of dog eat dog and
tooth and claw
until a man, unremarked,
may devour a man.
And when he rests his black boots
upon your table and talks
in rented words, when he recruits
vipers, when we begin to understand
that this is a language
that we do not all speak,
let's not pretend
that we did not know where this dominion
began or what it would lead to,
from where it lingers its rot
in the corridors of privilege,
ever less tacit. And let's not say
that we agreed to be voiceless
even when the monolithic bellow of power
became so loud
that it deafened.
Image from wikimedia commons:
Image also on Twitter of Mount Olympus:
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Absolutely marvellous. The
Absolutely marvellous. The transmission of corruption indeed. Reading this has helped bring a bit of focus back. Really feel on the point of just throwing hands up in the air and saying 'You know what? Just let them get on with it. I'll stay here in my corner and sing songs to drown it all out.' But no, we musn't be voiceless.
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Hi Rachel,
Hi Rachel,
I read your poem many times, I wasn't understanding to start with, but you've explained and I can see where you're coming from, it makes so much sense now.
I do hope you are okay, it sounds like you're having a rough time with migrane headaches. You take care and get plenty of rest.
My thoughts are with you at this time.
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Stunning and topical. Since I
Stunning and topical. Since I'm in North America I wasn't thinking BJ, but works for him as well.
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When I read this I thought I was becoming paranoid.
I saw a description of power and corruption and I began to think I see this in nearly everything I read nowadays. I dismissed my thought telling myself this is about something less political, more personal maybe. However, I am sure my first impressions were right, judging by comments I read here.
It pains me to think I see such sewage, but it seems in this age of populist leaders people seem willing to allow their personal freedoms to be gently eroded because snakes utter words they want to hear.
It happened not so long ago and this even month we are still celebrating the end of it, despite some quarters encouraging a re-start. I can only hope (for the sake of my children and their children) people (and FREE press) begin to see through the stain of wanabee dictators backed and covered by powerful hand-chosen puppets and force a return to more responsibe leaders and a time when the word 'integrity' actually means something.
Hmmm rant over. . . . Rachel, certaintly this is a well crafted poem and an interesting read.
Thank you,
Ed C
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Glad you are feeling better -
I think the personal is political is personal...is political....and so on and on...like a feminist group meeting in the 90's...lol. (I should write that poem!) When I wrote the long time ago crumb, I also wrote a poem about Judy Chicago's plates - i was in US at the time..autobiographical everything as it always is, think i understand what you are saying...the crumb reminds me of these things - its a curious write, will read again, after I find a whisky mixer....!! xx
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I dont drink much but
Ive just been handed a gin and tonic...its a work day...its immoral :Oo Cheers!
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I missed this poem but am so
I missed this poem but am so glad I found it just now, it is great, brilliant.
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