By Richard L. Provencher
Sun, 04 Oct 2020
- 948 reads
You are the sun
and moon
the idle in my heart.
With one smile
I can conquer my fears
or do a somersault-
in my dreams
(of course).
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silent admirer
Schooldays I was just like that but fortunately more the silent admirer type. Lucky. I feel it is better to find someone later in life when you're older more experienced and more mature. And earn more maybe. Financial security.
You &&
Keep well Richard your work is first-class. This one is a bit of ee cummings!? Nolan
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When you see her it's butterflies
When you see her it's butterflies in your stomach, such a beautiful creature you just want to hold her hand.
Thanks Richard! We never forget the first crush.
Tom Brown
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