The Daily Experience of God, Dialectics and Quantum Theory
By drkevin
- 354 reads
I went out with my new hooded jacket on and the wind caught the hood like a funnel and blew it back. I turned 90 degrees around the corner and the wind blew it back again. I then turned a further 90 degrees to face the way I'd set off, and (guess what) the hood blew off once more.
Starting the car, I was similarly blinded by the low lying sun, which mysteriously continued to dazzle me even though I was taking a circular route. It was with great relief, half an hour later, when I reached the town centre and entered my favourite cafe for a quick coffee.
But further paradoxical events continued. Those customers with prosaic statements whispered conspiratorially, while those exchanging intimate details of their lives boomed in oblivion. One lady declared that she was having her tattoos removed because weight loss had "turned them into mud", while an elderly chap informed the room that his white poodle's coat had turned brown around the anus.
A couple who'd said virtually nothing, complained that they'd been overheard.
In a world full of contradictions, I considered walking back to the car on my hands. Did non-Newtonian laws lurk behind every experience? Was every principle a delusion?
I know I don't know...
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