Railway Tracks, Laughter & Spiders

By caribou_
- 1295 reads
The buddleia is turning brown by the side of the tracks
A butterfly perches, rises, perches, rises, then suddenly turns back
The South side signal box is boarded up - black on black on black
In the furthest corner of a once-was-window, a spider spins its silk egg-sac.
The graffiti on the footbridge is faded - maroon spray paint on the stones
A figure appears and hauls themselves onto the highest part of the wall, utterly alone
They stand and sway, pulling things out from their pockets to drop - wallet, keys, phone
They hold their arms out like wings, a sob turns to laughter, then laughter to a groan.
The rails start to hum and the power lines vibrate
The figure turns on the wall, face raised to a sky as grey as slate
The train curls into view, wheels whirring a tremendous rate
And something catches the figure's eye - white words on stone 'It's never too late'.
The train driver is firing the horn now and birds fly away overhead
The butterfly and the spider, like the birds, have fled
Time seems to slow but not the train, which passes in flashes white and red
And the figure - so close to jumping - simply climbs down instead.
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Excellent piece. I feel like
Excellent piece. I feel like I've visited the place you describe before. It's extremely evocative and brilliantly written... really among my favorite poems I've read on ABCtales lately if mainly because it reminds me so much of exploring abandoned places when I was a kid.
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Loved this, the details rang
Loved this, the details rang so true of so many stations. I read it to my son (it's not one of yours, is it? he asked suspiciously) and he is impressed, too which NEVER HAPPENS. Absolutely brilliant
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Detailed to the point I felt
Detailed to the point I felt like I was there. I also loved the flow of this poem, definitely one to read out loud.
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Effective juxtaposition of
Effective juxtaposition of the details of the first verse, with the dramatic incident observed, and the relief s the person gets down (I hope the keys and phone were retrieved!) Rhiannon
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This captivating poem is our
This captivating poem is our Pick of the Day. Please share and retweet.
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Such a pleasure to read -
Such a pleasure to read - flows like a dream.
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