War! : More Thoughts by Alfred N.Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 411 reads
Apparently the Great Leader has pronounced that War is no longer to be called War? Many millions of people across Ukraine, in particular,
and Russia, as well as the rest of the world,
are now trying to get their heads around this Brave New Concept!!?
Part 2
Now in the 21st Century, you can apparently go into a country,
even one on your doorstep, any country,
a friendly country, one which has a shared history and much shared culture,
for no particular reason.
Put your tanks anywhere you like,
shoot up their blocks of flats,
take potshots at their people while they’re crossing the road.
Make them hide in the underground.
Cause them to flee, women and children first,
away from their homes, to safety in neighbouring countries.
And you don’t have to even call it War!
Keep referring to it as something else,
and your own people, back home in Russia, might just believe you!
And if you’re on the top seat at the UN they can’t even complain legally,
or order you to remove your troops and guns at once,
not even to save lives and avert a humanitarian crisis!
It’s also a very good way of finding out who your real friends are,
the ones who somehow have worked out that this invasion might be counted as legal, and the ones who abstain because they don’t want to upset you,
or be seen to be siding with your enemies against your paranoia or your dictate.
It’s great, it’s total freedom!
I can do anything I like.
Few of my people will complain,
they get their money and promotions from me.
I can terminate any career, arrest any suspect.
I have politicians in prison.
No one dare speak against me in parliament,
not when I am all fired up and ready to move!
That’s what I call a free world!
A world in which I am totally free to do what I want.
Opinions and electorates, they don’t matter at all!
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