Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Alfred N.Muggins
By David Kirtley
- 609 reads
(Well it was by Tears For Fears actually)
11/3/22 (18/3/22)
Well not everybody! Most normal, civilised, well brought up types would usually rather use some form of democracy, because at least there is a good chance of changing your leader before he (or she?) goes rogue! Unfortunately in Russia Putin has been going rogue for a few years now, but its only now that he has done the unthinkable and invaded the sister (or brother?) state of Ukraine without actually checking what its people were thinking, and of course without asking his own people whether they wish to be involved in such a war against their own neighbours. You might have thought he might have asked them as many of them have family ties with people in the Ukraine or fought together in some previous wars, on the same side! He might have asked them whether they were willing for their sons to be fed to the slaughter in Ukraine, and whether it was all worth it.
But he didn’t even think to ask, instead preferring to tell them what to think, and not telling them all of the facts. He has even been pretending to his own people that this isn’t a war! A surgical strike or temporary action would surely not be taking as long as three weeks would it? (Personally I don’t think he even asked his Generals and top advisors this time! If he had done they might have given him some better advice!)
P.S. “Woman In Chains!” – well this one should now be altered to Ukraine In Chains!
Another song they wrote was “Mad World” very appropriate to these mad times!
“It’s Now Or Never”! : Even the Great Elvis Presley chose or performed a song about pushing Putin out of power once and for all! Good one Elvis! Years before your time!
“All Along The Watchtower” a great Dylan song, made even more famous by Jimi Hendrix! We are still having to look out for mad dictators! They have not all gone away. Indeed in some countries they come back, and even invade other countries, even when we weren’t expecting, and without provocation.
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I can feel the invective in
I can feel the invective in Alfred's words. Putin gone rogue sums it up nicely!
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