Vladimir Plutinpot Transforms Into A Tyrantosaurus Rex 500 Years After Henry VIII Did The Same! by Alfred N.Muggins (Thus Proving Once Again That History Repeats Itself!)

By David Kirtley
- 807 reads
I quote from my Short Novel of Henry VIII :-
27/2/21 (19/4/21)
Henry VIII : Tyrantosaurus Rex : An Exceedingly Short Novel By Mr Alfred N.Muggins
Henry VIII, Tyrantosaurus Rex went on the rampage, devouring maidens and wives, and rooting out rotten ministers, creating division and forcing his minions to compete for his attention. To the best servants or ministers he gave the best Castles and Houses, the best titles and lands, but he could just as well take away as give!
He went on rampages, particularly in the North, where the Pilgrimage of Grace and the Catholic rebellions made the people fair game for his dinosaur games. He turned into a dinosaur occasionally, with a very thick skin, and did not care about his people when it happened.
At such times he turned into a very nasty and sometimes very grumpy dinosaur. It made him feel like a dragon, but of course, whereas dragons were not real, dinosaurs had been once upon a time, and could be again!
Vladimir Plutinpot, Tyrantosaurus Rex, the 21st Century Dinosaur :-
It occurred to me that this representation of Auld King Henry as a dinosaur on the rampage, would be remarkably apt as a representation of Vladimir Plutinpot on his current rampage through erstwhile peaceful Ukraine. He has already laid waste to large areas, caused many democratic citizens to flee, despoiled their homes, and brutally killed many perfectly peaceful citizens, including many children. He has thus proved that he is far from being a kindly Santa Claus figure, but rather one who is driven by petty hatreds and cruelties to bring vengeance upon a large land, which he does not even yet rule!
I am reminded that Tyrantosaurus Rex does not just belong in ancient histories, but is walking tall and proud, even in the Modern Age, more’s the pity!
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Living knowing many people
Living knowing many people wish you weren't, must indeed need a very thick skin
It's always good to be reminded even the worst tyrant will one day be rex extincti. I got that off Google translate - don't be impressed :0)
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Plutinpot still very much in
Plutinpot still very much in our thoughts. Interesting that, only the other day, I was talking to someone about Henry VIII and commenting about all the bad things he did and yet he''s considered to be a great king. It's good to see more output from Alfred Muggins even if it is an exceedingly short novel!
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