I Just Can't Get Him Out Of My Head.
By Maxine Jasmin-Green
- 471 reads
It has been a few days now since he died, and yet I still can’t get him out of my head. Around the world thousands die each day in various, ways be it because of stillborn, old age, and a myriad way in-between. But none of us expected this.
As a parent you send your child to school to learn, and after years at school, they leave and go on to further education or get a job.
Some will later on get married or not, buy their first car or house, some will maybe go on to have children of their own. Some will go down the wrong path, some wont.
What no parent wants to hear when they have sent their child to school is to get the phone call that, “He has been seriously hurt and is on is way to the hospital,” And before you can get there to be told, “I’ve very sorry, he didn’t make it, he died.”
So, no goodbyes, just fear, tears, anger, and lots and lots of questions! There were lots of witnesses, for it happened just outside the school gate, oh the horror, those other kids must have seen, how horrified and helpless they must have felt. How many years of counselling would they need?
When he got up that morning at home, a safe place, he didn’t know he would be having his last breakfast, his last petty argument with his sibling, his last stroke of the cat, as he got his P.E. kit ready and his last pack lunch, his Spanish lesson, his last religious studies, his last laugh with his friends.
His last…….
He didn’t deserve to be slaughtered on the street at home time, but he was, cut down in his prime, age just fifteen, just a youth. Did he know he had enemies? For two children also youths age just fifteen and sixteen stabbed him to death, they have been charged. The child who died he was named a few days later, his murders, unnamed. What an awful despicable crime, that was malice aforethought.
There is nothing, they can now do to bring him back, they have extinguished his Life! This isn’t just a punch up, giving him a black eye, or a split lip. This is the ultimate, murder. What possessed them.
These two boys, have ruined SO many lives, not just their own, but the fifteen-year-old he has ruined his own life and that of his parents and siblings. The sixteen-year-old he too has ruined his own life and that of his parents and siblings. And the child that they killed they have ruined his parents’ life and his siblings, forever.
The slain boy will never, grow up, will never have a car, a house a wife kids, holidays. Who knows he could have invented something that the world was waiting for, and now will not happen, he could have lived to be one hundred. Fifteen is no age at all, he had all his life ahead of him. In a second they took it all away.
What will become of them? They will be sent away to a cushy detention centre, where they will be treated well, have good food to eat, have the latest games to play with, unnamed and unknown to you and I they will come out in a few years with new identity, get married and have kids to wives who don’t know their past, for them to kill again.
His senseless murder, puts so many things in perspective. I so much want to cry for him, I can’t begin to imagine how his parents, what torture, they must be going through.
I really hope they both Life, for they have taken away a Life. They don’t deserve to walk these free streets again. We await their trial and sentencing. Whatever they get, it won’t be long enough.
There is a Go Fund Me page set up to give him a good send off.
Khayri McLean - RIP. Age just 15.
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It is a terrible tragedy for
It is a terrible tragedy for so many people. You're right.
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I was so saddened to read
I was so saddened to read this, it's every parents nightmare and should never have happened.
Hope comfort can be found.
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