Alfred Awakes From A Dream, Having Arrived In Arthur’s Kingdom (A Part of Their Holiday In Devon) by Alfred N.Muggins : Part 2

By David Kirtley
- 611 reads
7/8/22 and 18/8/22.
When they finally arrived at their caravan in the Caravan and Chalet Park in South Devon, which was to be shared with (Karaoke Star!) Mrs Muggins’ second son and daughter in law (Mermaid – of Turkish holiday fame!), and the grandsons (1x teenage, and 2x young (5 and 6 actually), he was very pleased to realise there was a Round Table in the caravan for them! Sooner or later he would attempt to convene a meeting of Monarchs, Lords and Knights from the many regions of all of England and Britain, Saxons and British, including Cornish, Devonian, and Welsh alike (not forgetting the Picts!), and see if they couldn’t work out the compromises and decisive actions which, which would be needed to save Britain from the Barbarian Putin and his gas (and petrol?) pirates, and his slaughtering heavy handed orcs, and the Russian truth bending Trolls.
(He would probably have to invite some females too to keep the PC brigades, and of course the ladies themselves too, happy. (Only joking, naturally being Alfred he would surely put Mrs (Lady!)Muggins in a prime position on the round table (or else!! She would surely have many outspoken things to say about the state of the country, and the world!) And any female Queens (Of course there weren’t quite as many Queens around at the moment in Britain as there had been at the time of Henry VIII, but she would be welcome to participate, and perhaps Camilla and Williams’s Kate too (that would be nice, and only fair, but please don’t include Meghan as she definitely wasn’t a Queen, not yet at least, declared Alfred! (You don’t become a queen for dragging a Prince even further away from his royal duties! He did hope she would have a sense of humour about it, and wouldn’t try to sue Alfred?), and female history teachers or TV history presenters would be welcome too for their gracious advice and sense of historical balance and their warm approach to history!
There was a serious cost of living crisis; capitalists and autocrats with their monopolies and corrupt cartels all effectively cashing in on the chaos, and the inflation monster was suddenly back to life from prehistoric times, and the 1970’s and 1980’s! Not since those brave times had they seen it ravaging the Kingdom in such a way!
He remembered fearfully the way Mrs Boadicea Thatcher had put the stop brakes on the whole economy, more than once in the eighties, to defeat this fire breathing and defiant beast, plunging large sections of the erstwhile economy into unemployment and bankruptcy with her heavy handed policies! Alfred had hoped never to see such times return. Capitalists, autocrats and inflation were all at the gates and now there was serious concern about how the ordinary people would live without becoming slaves to either of these extremists!
One of the main problems, he suddenly realized, was that the Round Table in the Caravan could only sit a small handful of people, some of them young grandkids, so it would not be big enough for all the people he wished to invite to sit around it! He would have to consider moving his Round Table Court to a different venue, perhaps closer to the size of the original Camelot! (Now where actually was the real site of Camelot? He didn’t think they had actually managed to work it out for sure, even after perhaps as much as 1,500 years (or more?), which should have been plenty of time to find it (particularly with all the departments of archeologists they had on the job these days!)
(to be continued shortly)
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Well you have set this up
Well you have set this up nicely. Looking forward to the continuation! Paul :)
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