Dwellers of the New World Chapter Nine ( Pt 9 ) More Trouble Lies Ahead
By skinner_jennifer
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As the women and children huddled together in the back of the wagons trying to keep warm, the men sat up front driving the horses on.
Soon they noticed the trees becoming less and less apparent, until finally they were on a road that led out of the forest.
Rue turned to Brad with an uneasy feeling. “You know, I wish we'd never listened to you about coming this far South, we should have stopped and stayed at the stones.”
“I know,” said Brad feeling guilty that he'd even thought of persuading them, “but I thought you'd get more for your wares down by the ocean, the people that live there will love the skins and jewellery you have and those beautifully made clothes the women produce. You'll be able to taste fish fresh from the ocean...there's honestly nothing quite like it.”
As they travelled, they could just make out the outline of the wooden cabins in the darkness. “Looks like the people down here are set up pretty well in their homes. I'd heard about the wooden cabins, but never actually seen them before,” observed Rue.
“Yeah,” said Brad. “They even have their own land where they grow food, can you believe?”
“I don't think I could live this life,” replied Rue. “I got too much travelling blood in me, to stay in one place too long.”
Brad smiled understanding exactly what Rue meant.
Up ahead they saw the great doors of the barracks. Rue had never seen anything like this before, he thought it looked very intimidating, it gave the other travellers an uneasy feeling.
As they approached, one of the men with a torch, lifted his arm, making a sign to halt, so the wagons came to a stop. The travellers stayed where they were, not wishing to leave their wagons unattended for even a second.
Another of the men knocked, then the great doors opened slowly. There were some guards on the other side, who started to speak to the men with torches.
Brad really hoped that Cinnamon wouldn't wake, it just wouldn't be a good time, if she was found they would probably be taken prisoner.
Rue was looking anxious again, the place felt inhospitable and he didn't like it one bit.
“Just stay calm,” whispered Brad to his friend.
A scrawny little man appeared with a young boy at his side. As Brad and Rue were driving the first wagon, the man and child approached them.
“My name's Gregor and this is my little helper Sam. I presume you're new to these parts, otherwise you wouldn't be making camp on my property,” he declared, laying his hand on the young boy's shoulder.
Joe jumped down from his wagon wanting to hear what was going on. “What's the problem Brad?”
Brad ignored Joe and addressed Gregor. “Look sir, we don't want any trouble. Yes you're right we are new to these parts, but we just want to be on our way.
Gregor stared at the owl, that was perched on Brad's shoulder. “What do you want for the bird?” he uttered in an impertinent manner.
“Sorry he's not for bartering, he's my companion,” answered Brad, smoothing the owl's feathers.
“Oh come on now everything has a price.” Gregor wanted the bird and what he wanted he usually got.
“I'm sorry sir but no, this bird is not for bartering as I've already told you.” Brad was becoming concerned at the power this little man seemed to possess.
Looking around at one of the guards, Gregor ordered him to fetch the owl. Now Brad was loosing his patience, he realised this man was not going to give up.
Turning to his owl, he knew there was only one thing he could do. “Quickly Tawny fly away to the forest.”
As if the bird understood every word, it spread its wings and began to soar into the air, gliding high and was gone.
Gregor was not pleased and began fumbling in his waist pouch for the gun he had taken from Dawson. He had decided to keep it on him at all times, in case someone decided to steal it from him. Pointing it at Brad, he began to threaten him. “That was a big mistake, you'd better hope I never see you or your bird here again,” declared Gregor.
Joe turned to Gregor in an effort to defend Brad. “Who do you think you are? You ain't talking to my friend like that, we ain't done nothing to annoy you...what gives you the right to threaten us?”
“Oh let me tell you,” replied Gregor. “I've every right, you're on my land and I won't be spoken to like that.”
Joe's face turned red, he was so angered, he went to attack Gregor, not realising what danger he was in. Before anyone could stop him, Gregor fired the gun, not really sure of what he was doing himself, he just pressed a button on the side of the handle, an electric currant charged towards Joe.
There was a sudden silence as the travellers watched in shock, horror. Joe fell backwards, collapsing on the ground.
Quickly Brad and a couple of other men jumped down from their wagons. Brad knelt over the body of his friend, lifting his head and cradling Joe. He turned to Gregor “Why did you do that? And what's that weapon you have?”
“Your friend was about to attack me, am I supposed to just let him set upon me?” Gregor said smugly.
The travellers were now even more frightened of this man, knowing he had such a deadly weapon.
Brad turned to a couple of the men. “Quick lift his body into my wagon.”
The travelling men rushed to assist with lifting Joe. Brad listened to Joe's heart, he was still breathing thankfully.
Gregor couldn't have cared less about the boy, he just wanted to see the back of these travellers, which he had no time for.
“Okay,” said Gregor. “I'll let you go on your way, but make sure you don't come this way again, except to pass through.”
Brad was lost for words, he had never been an angry man, but now he'd seen his friend fired at by the mysterious weapon, he could no longer contain his anger, though he refused to let this man feel his rage, Brad knew it wouldn't achieve anything.
Once they'd lifted Joe's body into the wagon, Brad turned to Gregor. “You'll pay for this some day...now let us go.”
Gregor laughed out loud, as Sam the young boy stood beside him, a smile on his face, ever faithful to his master.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Ten ( Pt 1 ) Finding Accommodation | ABCtales
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This was uncomfortably
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A very well presented scene
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I couldn't agree more with
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Whew that was close
Great read fun action packed and suspenseful, good job Ray
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You are painting a great
You are painting a great villain in Gregor. He seems to have no redeeming qualities at all at the moment. Again, written with a patient pace that adds so much depth. Onwards to Chapter 10 at the weekend..
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