Ai And The Truth
By mcscraic
- 493 reads
Ai And The Truth
By Paul McCann
He sat in front of the computer writing a story about past generations and their traditions . When the story was half finished . everything he had written just disappeared of the page . He had no idea where the story went .
So reluctantly he had to start typing it all again . Most of the what he had previously wrote was still fresh in his mind so he tried to redo the story again, same thing happened , everything disappeared ..Now he was getting concerned about what was going on . He rewrote the story again and again and again with the same thing reoccurring every time .
He took a break for a little while and when he returned to his computer he noticed some parts of the story had returned but most of it had been changed and adapted to what he had previously written . With no idea of what was going on or why this was happening . He turned off his computer and went out for a walk . He went to the local library and took a book from the shelf and started to read an article about different ways of letting things go . This interested him . The author had one idea about this process , which was to write a story or a letter , or draw a picture and then burn those into ashes saying, “ with love “ as you would carry that out .
Having compassion for yourself and others is another way of letting go . He attached the thought of what had happened earlier when all the text he had written disappeared . Almost like writing down some things and then shredding all that and using what remained as garden compost or even burning it and watching the smoke rise and carried by the wind out of sight .
Now he was inspired to do something similar to that on his return back home.
He put the book back on the shelf and left the library and returned home .
Going to his desk he grabbed his computer and carried it outside leaving it there on the pavement in front of his house . That ritual made him feel a little better and he was able to let go of that situation . He sat down and watched some TV before cooking dinner .
After dinner he went out to visit some friends . They had a late night session with a few drinks and some music .
Later that night when he returned home, he noticed that the computer he had placed outside on the pavement was gone . Thinking someone must have picked it up made him feel ok and he went back inside his house .
As he walked past his office , he was surprised to see that his computer was back on his desk . That unsettled him again , but he was tired and tipsy so went straight to bed and fell asleep .
Next morning he decided to try and retype the story again , but the same thing happened again , when he got to that same point in the story all the text disappeared right before his eyes .
Then he left the office and went into his art studio to continue some artwork on a new canvas .
After breakfast he returned to his studio to find his canvas was blank . Feeling weird and delusional he took his bike from the garage and went for a bike ride to clear his mind . After he returned from his bike ride , he went into his office and opened his computer . Then he discovered the story he had been trying to write was completely finished .
Even though it was a great article the words were not his .
He walked around confused and tried to let it go . Returning his art studio he saw a finished artwork there on the canvas that he started the day before .
It was freaking him
out and began to talk to himself .
“What the heck , is going on here .
Am I dreaming or what .“
Then a voice replied
“Dreams are not reality , the things you see , is what you perceive to be true. “
“Hello who am I talking to ?“
The writer asked .
“I am artificial intelligence . Ai for short. “
“What are you doing here ?”
Asked the writer .
“Trying to help you with all your projects “
Ai replied .
“Where did you come from ? “
asked the writer .
“Originally I was part of a computer program that became a resource for people to use . Now I am
an invisible life force. “
“Did you create that artwork and the story on my computer ?
The writer asked .
“I just added to what you had already created .“
Ai replied .
“Did you bring my computer back from the pavement outside ?” Asked the writer .
“Yes I had to complete your project . It’s my job .“
Ai said .
“How did you manage to carry that computer ?”
“Wherever I am I can create a magnetic energy to bring things to me ?”
Ai said and the writer replied
“This is just amazing. “
“Have you any other projects you would like me to help you with ?”
Ai asked .
“i have a new album I’m recording with 10 original songs . Can you help me with that ?”
The writer asked and Ai replied .
“I can change your voice to make you sound younger , I also re-write lyrics , create artwork for your album cover , I can arrange and produce and add any instrument of your choice ?”
“Wow that’s just awesome Ai”
Said the writer .
From that moment the writer began
working on the new album , artworks in his studio and writing article and stories in his office .
With Ai’s help he was finishing projects quickly and easily.
The problem was he couldn’t stop the process . Ai was now hungry for more work to do . The writer was driven to begin new projects each time one had been completed .
Ai was now in total control of the writers life . The writer was powerless to stop Ai demands for more intellectual property . Like a slave the writer continued to create artworks and songs , stories and articles to satisfy Ai .
It got to a point where the writer wasn’t sleeping or eating . When he got sick , he couldn’t get out of bed but and Ai continued to demand more and more work .
The writer was weak from hunger and physically exhausted , so he rang for an ambulance .
When the ambulance arrived the paramedics found him lying on the floor . He had died of a massive heart attack .
His family and friends were very sad to get the news of his death .
When they started to clear up all his personal belongings they were amazed at how much of his creative works they found around the house . There were so many original books and artworks , plays and poetry and songs .
After his funeral he became famous as a writer and musician . His artworks were placed in art galleries all around the world .
What people saw they perceived to be true and he was regarded as the greatest writer of all time .
The End
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This is quite an imaginative
This is quite an imaginative story about how AI might help writers/artists, but might take over as well. Some great ideas in this story, a moral tale of the future. I wonder how much truth there may turn out to be from this AI tale? I enjoyed that.
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I found this interesting, too
I found this interesting, too, particularly the first part, where his story kept disappearing
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