If Netanyahu and the Israelis should invade Britain? (Don’t panic! It’s only History repeating itself!) by Alfred N.Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 600 reads
I didn’t know this was your promised land?
You say you need a place to go, a roof over your heads and food in your belly.
But where have you come from?
You say you had a home?
2,000 years ago, but you were not the rulers even then?
Oh I see the Romans were rulers of nearly everything back then!
They kicked you out, the first time?
(Was it really the first time?
Didn’t the Babylonians take Jerusalem, and the land of Judah,
and took many of you back to Mesopotamia, a few hundred years earlier,
and the Assyrians destroyed Israel in Samaria,
so it wasn’t just the Romans, they all did it,
just as you have been doing it to the Palestinians, or the modern day Arabs recently,
in fact very recently!)
Because you were rebels, fighting the foreign takeover of your country,
by the Roman Empire, the infidels!
You were freedom fighters, resistance fighters,
fighting the wrongful takeover of your country,
using bloody tactics to resist wrongful takeover and colonization,
waves of foreign settlers, speaking Greek and Latin,
all working for the Roman machine.
They did not even believe in one god, back then, but you did.
And that made you superior then, even then, did it?
“Wow,” I say, “that wasn’t fair, not fair at all,” I sympathized.
And then the modern Empires gave you your land back 2,000 years later!
(Wow! I am surprised you could still remember it had been yours once, long ago,
A long long time ago!)
Well, I would say, doesn’t history repeat itself?
It doesn’t seem so long since you were forging Empires,
carving out new settlements in the desert,
and in the hills, your books were telling you, were once yours, rightfully yours?
You Say!
And look at you now, refugees once again!
Didn’t you say you were there to stay,
your rightful place in the world, proven by history, in the great comeback.
But you didn’t stay so long!
Perhaps you upset the locals, just a little too much?
Couldn’t get along with the locals, who had sometimes invited you in,
Sometimes worked with you, sometimes worked for you.
What did you do to overstay your welcome?
Did you make the mistake of trying to take over?
of trying to dominate?
of trying to control everything and everyone around you?
What did you do to turn all the locals against you?
a conquest too far? another village cleansed?
more settlements on land they didn’t want you to have,
which you did not ask nicely enough for?
You came, not even like a thief in the night,
to take over in broad daylight, in front of the world’s media,
time and time again,
more lands they did not want you to have?
Well its no surprise then is it?
you pushed them too far, and they kept getting angrier,
again and again, until eventually they all said,
“That’s enough. We’re not having it any more.
Either you follow the international rules at the very least, or you earn our displeasure. When you started making new wars, and taking everything you could see,
that was the end of it.
All it took in the end was for your free weapons donors to realise
they were being dragged into wars,
not of their own making,
and not in their interest.
They cut the umbilical chord, cast you away, on your own.
You took too much, you wanted it all!
Because of your excessive greed, and your cruelty,
and the newer, unnecessary wars you created,
you lost some of your friends, and things started to go downhill for you.
Once that Iron Dome is down, you’re on your own,
Once your manpower starts getting stretched
you will realise you can’t handle all these wars you’ve made at once.
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You make a really good point,
You make a really good point, without letting your emotions overcome you, which is more than I have been able to do, the times I have tried the last few months!
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That's a powerful last line. Foreboding. Let's hope sanity prevails. Eventually.
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