Hip Op The Second

By skinner_jennifer
- 2100 reads
Dear diary,,,
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I'm so glad it went smoothly
I'm so glad it went smoothly Jenny! I hope you have a swift recovery and very much look forward to the time when you manage to restart your writing. Thank you for letting us know you're safely on the road to recovery!
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Very thankful to hear it went
Very thankful to hear it went smoothly, Jenny. And i hope you have a relaxed convalesence.
Your rueful story of the night bed change, brought back my recovery from a minor op a few years ago. I had a catheter, but for different reasons had internal pressures which necessiated shifting position to lie in various ways, and suddenly realised that I had knocked the catheter out. I also felt the frustration of the nurse having to change bedding! Rhiannon
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Hi Jenny, thankyou very much
Hi Jenny, thankyou very much for this update, am so glad the operation is done now, and hope you are able to get out and about to see the trees again soon. Your account is very brave
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Hope your ankle is better
Hope your ankle is better soon
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Very glad to hear it has all
Very glad to hear it has all gone so well, Jenny. Here's hoping that you recover fully in a very short space of time. And I do hope it won't be long before you're back writing again. I'm looking forward to your words taking me on some more beautiful walks!
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Hospital is always an ordeal
Hospital is always an ordeal whatever the reason for your stay. I would be anxious too, not knowing quite how your body will cope with movement and unknown levels of pain. You're also trapped, surrounded by strangers. Of course most will look after you well. Hopefully all that recouperation will bring you lots of writing material and ideas for your notebook. I wish you a very speedy recovery, Jenny.
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My best wishes for a full
My best wishes for a full recovery, dear Jeny.
Luigi xx
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I am pleased you are
I am pleased you are recovering successfully now. Your piece did explain what is like to be a patient for that operation very well. I read it with interest.Toileting can be a big problem, and your piece shows just how important it is to get it right, and to consider the patient. I am sure you are not alone in this. It would be great if the nurses read more of patients' writings!
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Well done dear Jenny!
That's quite a story! And I can understand your anxiety. I'm not all that fond of hospitals so if and when the time comes I think I'd prefer to do my own hip operation at home in the kitchen.
You were very brave to go through with it, though I suppose you had little choice, and I admire you for being to able to write about it, warts and wees and all.
Good on you dear Jenny. I hope your recovery is a quick one and I hope 2025, when it gets here is a good year for you.
My very best wishes.
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It's always a relief to get a
It's always a relief to get a hospital procedure out of the way. So glad you are on the other side now, Jenny. Wishing you are a speedy recovery and I'm sure it will all have been worth it. Write again when you are ready. We will all be waiting for you. Take care. Paul x
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Great! Hope you're soon up and about! Nolan &
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Without sticks ALREADY!!!
Without sticks ALREADY!!! That's amazing :0) Well Done :0) More beautiful poem walks soon, I hope
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