Superspiritual Husband by Neilmc

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Superspiritual Husband by Neilmc

It's not easy to write witty poetry well. Most do it with quick wordplay but Neilmc puts his neck on the line and goes for it with genuine humour. That he succeeds says a lot about his skill and his sharp eye:

Where do you get your ideas, neilmc? This reminds me of watching the old 'Praise the Lord' programmes with the Bakkers back in the 80s; all the churchladies swooning (in religious fervor, of course) over Jim Bakker. Too kind of a weird, pervy way...
It reminded me of dirty old men, and the golden shower reference just made me shudder. Brrr.
Excellent bit of humour. A clever idea well turned out, especially as a bit of poetry. Wholly enjoyable. RKClement Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

Verba Volant, Scripta Manent

Thanks for the feedback - I've been round church circles quite a long time and a charismatic unmarried church leader does tend to gather a flock of hopeful camp followers. I had to explain the "golden showers" reference to some of my writing group though.
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