Pinda R.I.P.

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Pinda R.I.P.

The following was placed on here and I thought that more of you would see it here:

Dear ABC Tales,

I regret to inform you that our beloved brother, father, husband and friend passed away on the 16th May 2011 after suffering a cardiac arrest in the early hours of the Monday which has just passed. He had been recording a song in his work studio in Manhattan for an upcoming charity event to raise awareness for those who truly needed help, something which he was very passionate about. Me and the rest of the team of artists Pinda worked with felt it was appropriate to tell you about his death as he was fond of this community and would often show us some of your work. We’re still in shock and haven’t come to terms with his passing and hope you could spare a pray for his grieving family in these sad times.

Yours sincerely

Record label team

My heartfelt condolences go to Pinda's family and friends. He will be much missed on here.

This was such sad news and my prayers are with Pinda's family. May he rest in peace. Jenny.


I read with great sadness the distressing news of Pinda's death and wish to join my fellow authors in expressing my condolences to his family and associates. He was such a talented individual and will be sorely missed.


how sad, now I will never meet Pinda. MY condolences to his family.

maisie angel Guess what?  I'm still alive!

I read this with such sadness. He was a highly gifted poet and rapper and ecouraged me from the start. I found his work utterly inspiring. My condolences to his family and associates. He will be painfully missed.


new Julie How very sad and a shock, great person on here AbcTales, a good inspiration to me, and many, a true poet, and alway's kind words for all,and help. I will miss him and his great poems,many condolences to his family. Even in 2009 I can remember Pinda mentioning liked some lines of mine, could use for rap! Great person. What talent he had, and in my prayers. May he R.I.P. xx
I was a big fan of Pinda's work and he left some inspiring comments on mine. He'll be greatly missed. My heart goes out to his family and friends. RIP.


Sincerest condolences to his friends and family - how very sad...


Oh Lord, I have just seen this now and find it hard to believe. It's not that long ago that I chatted with him, for the first time in ages: Devastated! He was a lovely and loving man. We had a lot of fun, he was one of life's gentlemen. I am shocked and stunned. My condolences, go out to his family and many, many friends. I will miss him terribly. Bye Rapper man! May his gentle soul rest in peace. Chris
sorry for your loss


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