Free verse
Free verse
Published by Wes on July 6, 2013 - 20:43
Hi everyone.
As some of you are already aware, I like experimenting with genre and styles.
So no surprises when I add the following.
Recently I posted Grimm 2. Unlike its predecessor Grimm, I penned 2 it using free verse.
I think its safe to say that some of my writing doesn't follow traditional rules. Or hover just south of the boarder. (see as some of you are already aware)
With Grimm 2, The traditional rule book went right out the window.
My reason for this post? Well I'm curious if anyone else has explored this genre, (or am I the first) and submitted any writings on this site. I'd like to read the pieces. Basis for comparison etc
I know a lot of you write poetry, most of which is damn good.
Free verse is poetry. Just not what most envision or expect poetry to be.
Its my kind of poetry-out in left field. lol
I'm betting Grimm 2 being touted as poetry might ruffle some poetic feathers. But there it is.
So...BTW Does anyone know of any pieces submitted to this site and written in free verse? (Not blank verse, that's another animal.)
If so, please let me know. You can use my Email, or post a comment here, or read Grimm 2 and leave something there..
umm leave a comment I should say...Although expletives and colorful euphemisms welcome.
Oh and if you can't think of any euphemisms, (colorful or otherwise) go here...Wes
Jest trying to help.