how i got published

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how i got published

I have just had my first novel published on the internet by a reputable publishing house. Their internet section is called I have had 2 agents, numerous features, poems and short stories published, and every publisher in London liked my stuff; but because it was off the wall, thought I was too much of an unknown quantity to take on.
Check out my novel, Behind Blue Eyes, at; check out my short stories right here on abc; or look at my website for more about my stuff, including an article for The Guardian (U.K.) about my writing experiences.
It took me years to get to here, and I'm finally going to have a trilogy of novels published later this year. I guess my message to you all is keep trying!
Mark Piggott.

Anonymous's picture
is this posting going in every forum, mark? well, someone around here is really trying...
Anonymous's picture
Graudian eh? Backs out of room bowing deferentially
Anonymous's picture
This is boring
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
falls asleep with Gabrielle
Anonymous's picture
I am here to wake you up with my cheerie tales
Anonymous's picture
Well Done mark pigface
Anonymous's picture
I also give you a hearty well done
Anonymous's picture
Saw you on the telly mp. You call yourself a novelist. That's interesting. Think I'll do that. Actually I fancy calling myself an author. Or ecrivain...that rolls off the tongue.
Anonymous's picture
i think i will keep trying ...
stormy thingy
Anonymous's picture
He grovelled before the luvverly dubberly heh heh
mark piggott
Anonymous's picture
I only wanted to tell you about my experiences in the hope it might inspire you all to keep trying- writing is a lonely profession. I didn't really expect so much abuse (especially in other forums)- but I'll keep my views on their writing to myself (unless I'm pushed!) I wasn't boasting or anything- I'm not exactly a millionaire yet... oh well, thanks ABC, that was short and not so sweet. Tara MP. ps actually Gabrielle it was Channel 4 who called me a novelist- I do have a trilogy coming out soon, so what am I then? (Actually, don't answer that...)
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