Probably pronounced tight-ular... & meaning the character in the title of a film, book or whatever (e.g. Superman in 'Superman' or John Constantine in 'Constantine')
...but could be pronounced tit-ular... & be used as a criteria for assessing the quality of porn ('titularity').
:-) * P * :-)
Chit, as in 'don't give me that chit'
Shag, as in shag-pile (a stack of inter-leaved sex addicts?)
Prick, as in 'don't prick yourself whilst pruninmg the bushes' ( no wanking in the rosery)
Dick, as in 'Has anybody seen my Dick?', which is what Pauline would say in the bar when he was having an extra beer in the pub across the street.
Cock, .... well you get the idea
I'm just thankful that I managed to get in here with out signing in three times, giving a urine sample and being finger-printed!
The All New Pepsoid the Second!
The All New Pepsoid the Second!
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