Enron CEO sent down

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Enron CEO sent down

After defending the evils of big business yesterday I feel obliged to revel in the fact that Jeff Skilling (the one that didn't have a heart attack) has been sentences to 24 years in prison.

And -for fans of the film Office Space- "not just white collar resort prison, but federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison"




OK, but what's the bit about getting an electronic tag and house arrest until the prison is ready to accept him? I thought when you got sent to prison you went to prison, not home to your wife and children! If that's American justice, remind me to nip over there and commit some crimes. This kind of thing could suit me! My webpage is at: http://www.bookscape.co.uk
"OK, but what's the bit about getting an electronic tag and house arrest until the prison is ready to accept him?" Maybe they need to paint the cell in the style to which he's accustomed.


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