Um...sorry for bringing everyone down,
If you had been doing a job for 2 1/2 years with no training, everybody sh*tting on you whenever they felt like it, having to cover people's holiday at the drop of a hat and when you have holiday yourself, no one doing diddly squat to help you, being told it's 'down to you' to make it in the job when only one out of eight people will even give you 5 minutes to explain things you dont understand, doing work for your workmates, the profits of which do not benefit your own sales figures as you are manipulated into doing it for free as 'it's your job', therefore not making the people at the top aware of what they are actually employing you for, now being made to threaten a nice (if late in paying) couple with legal action on the instructions of my boss, and having that customer screaming down the phone to you that you are a bully, adding to that a long term drug addiction and crippling depression *catches breath*
What would you do? I'm at the end of my teather, and I mean right at the end.
Parson Thru
Parson Thru