ABCtales evening July 5th

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ABCtales evening July 5th

There's some cracking readers from the site - including ivoryfishbone, jennifer, iamcurious yellow, tara hanks and lou2 coming along - so any of you in the Brighton area do make a date of it. We'd love to see you! Full details on the home page.

Sounds great!


I'm already nervous - I haven't read my stuff aloud in years!


any excuse for a trip to brighton ...
Add animan as well - and sorry for calling 2lou, Lou2. It's all greek to me. I think it may be a little cracker.


I think you're very brave Jennifer! I hope it goes well. :)


Gutted, I can't make this one as I'm going to be in Portugal. Good luck all!! jude "Cacoethes scribendi"


Ah, so it's not Lou2. That’s a relief. Lou2 is an elderly relative of mine who plays the spoons. She’s been practicing constantly, bless her – not that she would’ve made the performance. She’s on the port and lemon by lunchtime... then her coordination goes to pot… cutlery everywhere…
let's bin off the poetry and get that auntie in ... extreme cutlery ...
Sounds like a forking good night out to me!


Well, that's a knife state of affairs I must say!
BTW, P.E.S.G.A.M. - the Pan-European Splinter Group of ABC Members intends holding a meeting in the Ariege in Midi-Pyrenees in France this August. Admittedly this is only me and Kropotkin38, but hey, it's a start! :-)
Good news! My daughters, Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia are coming - they insisted that it was in the interests of public safety.


I am 'performing' so not sure I can wear two hats...


Just make sure you all tell lots of other people and we get a good crowd. If only because you'll be able to make use of a licensed bar in a church, which will certainly be a first for me.
Tony, I'm quite tempted. How far is the venue from the station? I'd need to get home on Saturday evening because I've got stuff to do in London on Sunday morning.


There was a bar in Nottingham called the Pitcher & Piano - a chain affair - which had renovated an old church, keeping faith (!) with the original decor - beautiful!


It's a ten minute walk from the station at most - and five minutes back (all downhill!) It would be lovely to see you in sunny Brighton.
And a great evening was had by all in an extraordinary venue. Fantastic reads from one and all but special mentions to Jennifer, ivoryfishbone and Tara hanks who brought the house down. Thankyou all - a really excellent evening!
I've written a blog about last night's shindig:
aww thanks for that tony and tara i had a fab time - really amazing venue - and wondered if i brought the curse of the storm down on brighton by saying 'vibrating cock rings' in the church ... i loved it ... thank you for having me x
Yes, it was a great evening in a weird and wonderful location. Psst… Sir… Sir… God, Sir… it was Ivory, Sir. She’s left Brighton. I’ll send you a google map if you stop chucking tiles off the… oh. ~
Wonderful evening and an amazing group of very lively and talented people! Thanks Tony for putting it all together, MLB


It all sounds very, very exciting! Just out of interest, what did Tony read of mine? And did he try to do my accent? Cheers, Mark


I read Niqab - sorry, should have asked your permission first but I only decided at the last minute! I was 'breaking the ice' and used my 200 worder and that one of yours. And no, I have learnt my lesson about trying to do Geordie. I can do very good Devon, Essex and East Midlands, pretty fair Manc, Brum and Scouse, reasonable Glasgie and Welsh north and south - but Geordie defeats me every time and it shall not be attempted again in public.
Thanks Tony! I like that one a lot. It's the vowels in Geordie that defeat. Glad it was such a good event. Cheers, Mark


"And no, I have learnt my lesson about trying to do Geordie." Eeet ees shawwping nite, mon.


Reading Niqab in Tony's Geordie accent might have sparked an international incident. At the very least people might have been confused by it being performed by someone doing an impression of Peter Sellers playing a person from India. For those who don't know, I had a regular shopping night for many years, which necessitated me rushing away from the office. Tony always remarked on this by doing an impression of me rushing away from the office which went something like "Oh no,eeet ees shawwping nite, mon". What larks! Tell me more about this ABCtales night. Who performed what, and who bought all the drinks and who didn't look how you expected? Cheers, Mark


and what happened afterwards... skinny dipping and all! Come on - fess up!
tim streaked
that was the fake tan ~
Some people got drunk, some people paddled and some people hallucinated rather a lot else that didn't happen... *frowns slightly*


And what about the hamsters, Dan and Lily?
We had an ice cream on the beach and turned up late and then didn't dare walk in till the interval because it all looked so serious and churchy. Jennifer read fantastically and Fish did a poem that mentioned me (hurray!). Afterwards I was attacked by a drainpipe in the pub and discovered I had parked in the worlds most expensive carpark.


Heavens! Sounds like an disastrous night, hope the ice cream was good! Thank you, I enjoyed reading....*blushes*


It was a lovely night. There was little that could dampen my spirits after discovering I was mentioned in a poem.


Yes, that is sometimes uplifting...


so the Three On The Beach Romp never happened????? and after a certain poet said all that about the behaviour of his body parts? anyway i agree - jennifer was brill - a real treat - as was jan cameron and i'd seen neither of them before ...
(i meant body part)
Jan Cameron was ace (I couldn't remember her name and didn't want to call her "the frog lady")


We went to the beach. Jess and animan paddled. I held shoes etc and worried about them drowning. Then we had chips. Not exactly what I would call 'romping'. It was definitely funny and we were slightly drunk. Cleared that one up?! Thank you, guys! I thought you were too, Ivory, and loved the frog lady!


oh yes jennifer thank you ... glad brighton wasn't tainted by any scandal or filth ... and now the notorious boner poem has been taken down off the site everything in the garden is lovely ... xxx
No scandal or filth. We just got a bit wet and salty! Ah well, fevered imaginations running riot and all that... must have been an overdose of sea air! xxx


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